Chapter 14: The Oracle Court Jesters a Knight

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Leo, now dressed as himself, walked down the hallway with Luna and Dexter beside him, trying to cheer him up. They met up with Yusei, who was leaning against a wall, Lise sitting cross-legged on the floor and furiously scribbling something on a piece of scratch paper.

"Leo," Yusei said, "it's only a loss if you don't learn anything from it."

Fish bounded into the hallway, wearing her blue duel disk and an enormoous grin. "Hey guys! Leo, I'll make sure to kick some extra ass for you up there! Cool combos, by the way!" She cracked her knuckles. "Time to make some people cry! I mean lose!...Yeah, cry."

Lise got to her feet. "Well, good luck. You're up against Sir Ransborg. I believe a proper word to describe him is 'charade'."

"You mean he's a game?" Leo asked.

Lise shook her head. "Sort of. Mostly, his entire ensemble is false and ridiculous."

" use big words."

"I hate to tear down his persona, but...well," Fish said, "that's what I do best."

"It's okay, Leo, half the time my friends and I have no idea what she's saying, either. It comes from all the books she reads. The guys call her the Librarian."

Fish rolled her eyes. "Another nickname? Sheesh, Lise. Anyway, I gotta go!" With a wave, she left for the arena.


"Sir Ransborg reporting as you requested, my liege," the knight said, awaiting orders from Goodwin. Beside him, Lazar giggled.

"I told you he'd be perfect for this match. The costume might be a bit melodramatic, but he said he wouldn't duel without it."

Goodwin cast a sideways glance at Lazar. You're one to talk about costumes.

Sit Ransborg was still talking. "Is it true that I am to duel an opponent of the female persuasion? Chivalry forbids this; so fair a species cannot withstand the might of men, my liege."

"What if I told you that she possessed an...interesting ability?" Goodwin laced his fingers together. "In some circles, she is known as the Oracle of the Sea. It is rumored that she has the ability to see the future."

"I see! A witch!"

"Afraid, Sir Ransborg? You know, if you don't wish to continue, you might just find yourself dueling at a renaissance fair," Lazar threatened.

"I fear no creature! I will engage this Oracle in battle and prevail!"

"Make sure to give it everything you've got, Sir Ransborg. Push her to exhaustion. We must see if it is true. We must know if she can truly tell the future...and if there really is a connection to the Crimson Dragon."

"Fear not! Thy she-creature is no match for Sir Ransborg!"


"Welcome back! Our next duel is about to begin!" the MC announced. "And now, entering the arena, a knight in shining armor! It's the one, the only, Guilder Ransborg!"

A panel in the duel stadium floor lifted Ransborg into view. With a flourish, he yanked his sword from its sheath and pointed it at the sky. "Good people of New Domino City, thou shall knowest my blade and my deck from the attacks thee shall witness!"

"While we wait for a Shakespearian scholar to translate all that, let's get ready for his opponent! With a record appears we don't have a record for her! But we can say she' you saying we have no information on her? Um, well, let's hear it for Miss Calamari Ukara!"

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