Chapter 62: Destiny's Instrument Part 3

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Crow and Fish made their way deeper into the tunnel. It was dark and difficult to see, so the going was slow. It didn't make it any easier with stray wires and broken things everywhere.

"This must've been the Reactor's research area," Crow realized, his gray eyes observing what they could through the darkness.

"Not anymore," Fish pointed out. She disturbed a pile of broken glass with the toe of her sneaker. Dust flew into the air. Crow wrinkled his nose in an unsuccessful attempt not to sneeze. "Sorry."

"Don't worry about it. Hey, what's this?" He bent down and pulled what appeared to be a photo from the glass and dust. Fish came close to peer over his shoulder. Crow hoped it was too dark for her to notice his ears were turning red.

The photo showed a man, a woman, and a child. Both adults looked excited and happy to be together with their baby. The woman had light brown hair tied up in an elegant bun and her smile was warm as she held her child. Her husband was much taller than she, his arms wrapped around his wife. His smile was for the baby boy his wife held, but what really caught the eye was the father's rather familiar hairstyle.

"That looks like..." Crow trailed off.

Fish frowned slightly. "I'd recognize that abominable excuse for a hairstyle anywhere."


"Hey, are you okay?"

Fish and Crow jumped. Two voices carried across the hallway. Their small silhouettes stood out, blacker than the blackness.

"I think so. I think my foot accidently kicked this...thing."

"Phew..." Crow and Fish breathed.

"It's just the twins," Fish sighed, relieved. "What a minute? The twins are here?"

"Um... yes?" Luna came closer, dragging her brother behind her. Both twins smiled innocently.

Fish crossed her arms, glaring. Crow knew a lecture was coming.

"Where is Lise?" Fish said, slowly and deliberately.

"Back where we left her," Leo blurted.

Luna looked like she wanted nothing more than to run her brother through a shredder. "We wanted to see what you were doing and then we were planning to go back right away and-"

"How long as she been alone for?"

"Um..." Luna and Leo shuffled their feet guiltily in the dust.

"I can't believe this!" Fish face-palmed. "Now she'll get into trouble and Lise always finds trouble! I can't believe I followed you! Now Lise could die and-"

"Whoa! Hang on, Fish!" Crow cut her off. "Look, it happened; Lise was left alone. We messed up, but we can't change it now. Blame me all you want. It's my fault, kay? Let's keep going."

Fish tilted her head back and groaned. "Okay!"

Leo brightened considerably. "And Yusei can protect her right?"

"That's what I'm worried about," Fish scowled.


"So, Yusei, what're you waiting for?" Roman sneered. "Are you too scared to draw? It's understandable if you are. I would be, too, if half my lifepoints depended on the type of card I picked."

"I'm not scared," Yusei said defiantly, drawing the card. I made a promise that I intend to keep.

"Well, you should be, since you just drew a monster card!" Roman grinned gleefully. "Now because of that the Destiny Activator spell activates and all but ends this duel!"

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