Chapter 3: The Pipeline Less Traveled By

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"You've only got one shot at this, Yusei. The maintenance hatch only opens at midnight, and only stays open for three minutes after that," Nervin drilled.

"He knows...." Rally said.

"Then they flood that pipeline with garbage."

"He knows!"

"And as soon as you jump over the sewage plant's fence the security will be-"

"HE KNOWS! Try being positive for once, Nervin."

"I thought I was..."

"Hey Yusei," Blitz called.


"Can you really do this?"

"A test run is one thing, but...uh...the real thing is something else." Nervin sounded worried. "If they catch you it-"

"Don't listen to these guys, Yusei, just...uh...I don't know, hit the gas and don't ever look back," Tank suggested with an encouraging smile.

"Almost forgot!" Rally exclaimed and jumped into the tunnel where Yusei is sat upon his runner ready to go. "Here, for good luck." Rally handed Yusei a card.

"What is it, Rally?" A yellow machine monster with a traffic light on its puffy yellow hat and turbo rockets for arms with a bronze top for a bottom was displayed on the card.

"Turbo Booster."

"Wasn't this your father's card?"

Rally bobbed his head. "I want you to take it. Like my dad always said, 'you never know when you might need a boost.' I just hope it can help get back your Stardust Dragon from Jack"

Yusei smiled and added the card to his deck. "Hey, where's Lise?"

"Ready to get this show on the road?" she asked and stepped out of the hallway that lead to each of their rooms. Lise had her turbo-dueling gear and a small orange backpack on.

"Ready to go then," Yusei raised an amused eyebrow. "Hop on!"

The two mounted the runner, put on their helmets and lowered their visors.

"Don't slow down for nothing!" Blitz instructed as Yusei and Lise zoomed out of the tunnel.


"We have movement! Yusei's gone topside!" an officer at the Sector Security headquarters informed Trudge.

"So where is he?"

"He's in the east sector. Switching to satellite imaging now." The screen monitoring Yusei's movements turned from a map to a high def. image of Yusei riding across Satellite with Lise right behind him.

"Where do you think you're going?" Trudge asked, watching the screen. "Lock on to that chip!" Trudge ordered, running out the door. "Then open up a com link and update me. Do not lose him!"

Trudge was on the streets trying to pursue his targets. "Trudge, they just turned left on Capulet, heading south on Davis Drive."

The officer radioed in. "On my way, Central."


"The maintenance hatch opens in four minutes! Let's book it!" Blitz told the rest of the gang.

"Wait up," Tank requested as they run up a flight of stairs.

The four of them come to a ladder. "Careful," Nervin warned.

"Not now Nervin!" Blitz reprimanded.

They made it to the top of the roof. Blitz peered through his binoculars.

"Can you see them?" Rally asked.

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