Chapter 58: Grudge Match Part 1

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"All right, let's keep going. We're almost there," Trudge instructed. He put his foot to the gas pedal and his car quickly moved forward again.

Yusei nodded and followed suit.

Soon the tower of the Giant came into view. Kalin was nowhere in sight though. Trudge and the twins turned to view the duel from a deserted and slightly elevated highway. Yusei approached the tower alone. He noticed Kalin at the tower's base when he came close enough to see that distance.

Kalin smirked and revved his runner's engine. "Good to see you old friend." He drove straight forward, aiming directly at Yusei. At the very last second, they turned and stopped to stare each other down. "Thanks for stopping by!"

Yusei's eyes narrowed. "My pleasure."

"I see that you got your duel runner up and running again. I was afraid that you weren't gonna give me the opportunity to settle the score, after you sold me out."

"You've got it all wrong. I'm not the traitor here."

Kalin merely laughed. "Well, you sure had me fooled. Now let's settle this once and for all! Let's get things started..." Kalin grinned and threw off his cape. He reached his right hand up into the air, allowing his Giant Dark signer mark to glow.

Purple fire erupted from the ground, surrounding the two duelists who glared at each other. The Giant geoglyph also loomed in the sky, displaying to all that the duel had begun.

"It's time old friend," Kalin grinned gleefully.

"Time for what?"

"Time for me to send you straight to the Netherworld!"

I can't believe the same person who risked everything to protect me is now the same person trying to do me in. I know the person that wouldn't let me fall still exists. Now it's time I get him back. Yusei promised himself, raising his arm to display his own marking.

He and Kalin revved their rides and turned into the starting position. The sky remained dark and cloudy, threatening rain at any moment. The sound of a storm rolled in noisily.

"Allow me to start things off," Kalin said, activating his and Yusei's speed word field spells.

"Let's duel!"

"Whattaya say we mix things up? First one to the first corner gets to go first," Kalin proposed.

"Fine," Yusei agreed simply. He poured on an extra burst of speed, easily accelerating.

Looks like someone gave their runner a little tune up... Kalin noticed, amused. "Time to see how it handles!" He grinned maliciously and slammed his runner into Yusei's. The impact forced Yusei into the fiery purple wall. Kalin laughed as he effortlessly took the lead and turned the corner first. "Looks like I go first! And with my first move, I'm summoning Infernity Necromancer in defense mode."

Yusei scowled deeper than usual. That can only mean one thing; Kalin's going for his handless combo.

"I think I'll end my turn with a facedown. It's time to make your move, Yusei, but rest assured there's nothing you can play that'll save you from my wrath!"

"We'll see about that," Yusei quipped as he started his first turn. Kalin, I remember when things started to change like it was yesterday. You, me, Lise, Crow and Jack; we all had each other's backs and that's why we were able to make Satellite safer one district at a time. We stuck by each other no matter what and eventually we accomplished what we set out to do, but you wanted more. Our home was a better place because of us, but you weren't satisfied. You craved the competition, you needed it. That's when things got out of control...

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