Chapter 27: Fortune Finale Part 1

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After much begging, wheedling, groveling, and bribery, the MC-now down two hundred bucks and countless dignity points-managed to regain his status at the mike. "Ladies and gentlemen, one of the most intense duels we've seen so far has roared to a close! Yusei has defeated Elizabeth Kururugi and emerged as the winner! Now he'll face off against Jack Atlas in the Fortune Cup Finale!"

Yusei ignored the MC and studied Lise closely. "You sure you're okay?" Lise sighed. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just feel so stupid. I'm so sorry."

"I promise it's okay, Lise. Stop apologizing"

"Okay but...your mark is glowing!"

"Huh?" Yusei pulled his arm back and rolled his sleeve up. The tail of the dragon glowed brightly and instead of vanishing stopped glowing and remained on his arm. "Well, this is new. Last time this mark vanished. What about yours?"

Frowning slightly Lise took off her fingerless gloves. Her eyes widened. There were red triangular-like markings on the backs of her hands and a cross cross pattern running up her arms. "Whoa..." she breathed.

"Can it really be?" Yanagi cried up in the stands. The group was staring at Luna's glowing arm. "Luna, you're a Signer!"

"She's a what?" Leo asked.

"So now you know who four of the five signers are," Jack said.

"That's right," Goodwin confirmed. "So when you duel Yusei be sure to push him to his limits. Because the power your duel generates will reveal the fifth signer and unite you all..."

"Guys!" Yusei and Lise ran up to Tanner, Yanagi and the kids. "Listen, you have to get Luna out of here.

"Yusei, Luna's got a mark! She's a Signer like you!" Yanagi cried.

"That's why you need to get her out of here, now."

"And go where?" Fish asked, joining the group.

"Back to Blister's place. It's not safe here," Lise said.

"Do you guys know what's going on?" Luna cut in.

"Yeah, I kinda wanna know what's up before I freeze Yusei to death," Fush crossed her arms.

"I'll tell you everything we find out after we see Goodwin. For now, head towards Blister's place and don't stop for anyone!" Yusei instructed and sprinted back down the stairs with Lise right behind him.

"I'm sure everything's gonna be okay," Yanagi assured Dexter and the twins. "We had better do what they say, kids. Follow me and stay close behind."

The group of seven stood up and headed for the exits. As they were turning around the corner to leave through the front door, a posse of suited men blocked their path.

"Stop right there," one of the suits said.

Lazar stepped up. A satisfied smirk adorned his unattractive features. "You weren't planning to leave now, were you?"

"Last I checked, I don't listen to pint-sized pipsqueaks that look like they belong in a circus. So either move outta the way, or I freeze you to death," Fish threatened."Slowly."

The clown-like man ignored Fish's comment and continued. "Director Goodwin would like you to stay and enjoy the rest of the tournament."

"Well, you tell Goodwin that we're sick of him telling people what to do!" Tanner said, grabbing the front of Lazar's coat to toss him outta the way. Fish grinned wickedly and readied herself to freeze anybody in their way.

"Say," Lazar said calmly. "Did you know that Elizabeth and Yusei have friends back in the Satellite sector? I heard that they went missing a few days ago. I hope nothing bad happened to them, so I think it would be best if you return to your seats now!"

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