Chapter 57: Hey, Look, a Whale Tale! Part 2

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"That's quite the ship, Greiger. It's just too bad I'm going to have to sink it-and all your lifepoints," Crow said, playing it cool as he stared down Greiger's powerful monster.

Fish groaned. "The next one who makes a bad pun is getting the business end of my foot to their head."

Crow: 2600

Greiger: 1800

"Oh, please," Greiger scoffed. "You're not going to be sinking anything of mine, Crow. See, with the power of my Dark Sea Rescue I can add a couple of reinforcements. And speaking of reinforcements...I activate Dark Flat Top's special ability, which lets me bring back Flying Fortress Skyfire from my graveyard once per turn!"

"Aw, man!" Crow complained. "But I already took that thing out!"

Fish rolled her eyes angrily. "They just don't die like they used to."

"Welcome back, Flying Fortress Skyfire!"

"Nice move, but that hunk of junk is about to get grounded, Greiger."

"And how do you plan to do that with only one monster left on the field? You see, by sending one card to the graveyard I can activate Skyfire's special ability, which allows me to destroy your Blackwing Armor Master!" Greiger pointed dramatically, watching Skyfire shoot Armor Master down. "And with him out of the way, I can set my sights on the only monster that you have left. Looks like the only one being grounded this match is you!"

Skyfire's attack hit cleanly, obliterating Crow's monster and sending him spinning. Fish gasped as Crow crashed and fell. His lifepoints were greatly depleted and he was terribly banged up.

Crow: 900

Greiger: 1800

"Don't even bother getting back up. I'm afraid your runner's down for the count, and so are you!" Greiger sneered triumphantly.

Crow ignored Greiger and righted his runner. "Sorry, but losing's not an option."

"Well from the way things look up here, neither is winning," Greiger taunted.

Crow shook his head. "I'm not stopping now. I've got way too much to fight for."

"I would've stayed down if I were you," Greiger said, his tone harsh.

"Well, lucky for my friends you're not me, Greiger," Crow smiled. "Shall we?" He mounted his runner and sped off again.

"Yes, we shall," Greiger took off behind him and Fish followed on her surfboard. "I place one card facedown. Your move!"

Crow winced again; something hurt in his stomach area. Move? I can barely breathe! I think that fall damaged more than my runner. "Looks like I'm up, and I'm ending my turn with a facedown!"

Greiger practically laughed as he began his next turn. "Is that all? Looks like someone's too scared to attack."

"Too scared to attack? I don't think so. Why attack when I can let my facedown destroy all your monsters for me?"

"I send one card in my hand to the graveyard in order to activate Skyfire's special ability, which lets me destroy one card on your field," Greiger continued, undaunted by Crow's attitude. "Now which one will it be? How about the one on the left? Now attack!"

Skyfire's guns ripped into the facedown, sending it packing.

"Oh, so close! Now if you attack me, all of your monsters are gonna be totally annihilated," Crow promised with a smirk.

Greiger's eyes narrowed. "The only thing that's going to be obliterated are the last of your lifepoints! You have nothing left to protect you except for that one facedown and that doesn't scare me for a second. This is the end of the road for you."

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