Chapter 17: Hypnotism & Dragons Don't Mix!

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"Yusei! We found you! Nice duel! Dexter wants to duel you next!" Leo rushed out all in one breath.

The group made their way to the competitor's halls to greet him after his duel.

"Maybe later, Lise is up next," Yusei said with a small smile.

Fish walked in on them next, dragging a less than thrilled Lise behind her. "She's freaking out for some reason. Can anybody talk some sense into her?" Fish asked, clearly irritated.

"You're not even turbo dueling yet, Lise. You just need to relax," Yusei advised. "You always do this."

"I know, but it's a lot easier for you. I have more trouble focusing with a bunch of people staring at me, waiting for me to mess up. I hate people looking at me," Lise grumbled.

"You'll be fine," Luna encouraged.

"Yeah! I can't wait to see you duel! That way I can come up with a strategy to beat you!" Leo challenged.

"Thanks, I think."

"You just need to get in the zone," Fish nodded as if that answered the problem.


"When everything else disappears and you totally focus on your goal. You can do it," Fish nodded and strutted down the hallway.

"See ya," the three ten year olds called and follow her.

"You'll be okay," Yusei promised. "Um, I should go."

"K. Bye."

He ruffled his dark spikes nervously. Before Lise could inquire whether he was okay, he lightly kissed her cheek. "Good luck," he whispered and dashed down the hallway.

Lise stared wonderingly after his retreating back until he turned the corner. Still a bit confused, Lise took a deep breath and walked towards her duel.

Blocking the door to the waiting area, Fish planted her feet suspiciously with her arms crossed. Her glare froze Yusei on the spot.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing," Yusei replied much too quickly. His tiny smile and pink cheeks gave away his delight.

"Just get in here and watch the duel," grudgingly, Fish backed off.


"Thank you for answering our call, Professor," Lazar smiled and bowed.

"Naturally I come when I am needed," the Professor smiled. "What can I do for you?"

Goodwin clasped his hands before his face. "The choice to have you duel my niece was not accidental. I want you to see if you can contain her."

"You want me to subtly control her then?"

"In a manner of speaking," Goodwin shrugged.

Lazar snickered in conformation. "Bend her into submission."


"And now, the final duel of the day between our last two duelists!" the MC announced. "First, it's the guy with a PhD in hypnology, psychology, and duelology! It's the Professor!"

A man wearing an intricate robe, black beret, and a blue custom duel disk smiled calmly and serenely at the crowd.

"And next is the girl with the moves, Satellite's blond beauty, and former resident of New Domino; Elizabeth Kururugi!"


Watching Lise shake out her nerves on screen, Fish cracked her knuckles. "I so want to duct tape that guy to the wall!"

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