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Had the same job for a year, left the job
the same day, and even joined the jujutsu sorcerers together, Nanami rarely ever seen Mieko, even months later.

Mieko was often out on international missions with Gojo, as she seemed to be the only one who could even keep up to the man in battle. Gojo was still no doubtably stronger than her, but when running around in battle, she was able to keep up the pace and quite frankly, Gojo was more than happy to finally a partner who could do such a thing. Normally it was him who was back up for others, so having Mieko on missions with him to be his backup was refreshing, which made Gojo keep requesting her. And due to comfortably and being used to his cursed technique, Mieko often times accepted.

She even became the second teacher to the first years at Jujutsu Tech, for when Gojo happened to go on missions alone. She would substitute, and to say she cherished her students, would be a understatement.

"He's just a kid!"
Mieko screamed defyingly, as she slammed her hands on the table, growling at the man who she did not respect at all.

"He's Sukuna's V—"

"He's a kid, he's a kid, he's a kid, he's a damn kid! You can't execute him!"
She yelled even louder, slamming her hands excessively on the table.

"Here she goes ago."
Utahime sighed, rolling her eyes, and silently signalled to Gojo to take his turn at checkers that the two were playing, while Mieko and Gakuganji argued.

"Mieko, calm down you're caus—"
Though Nanami was quickly shut up by Mieko's hand slapping him across the face, not totally realizing where she slapped him or how hard.

"Itadori is fifteen years old! He's a fucking kid! You can't kill him!"
Mieko hollered, trying to knock some sense into the old man who seemed stuck in his old habits.

"Execute Itad—"

"I'll fucking kill you, old man!"
Mieko had finally reached her limit. Nanami knowing her habits, had reached to pull her back from rushing over to the man, though by the time he had reacted, Mieko had already used her technique on the man, pushing him several layers into the concrete flooring behind the wooden planks.

She stood hovering over the injured old man, staring at him wide eyed, as she started to ball her cursed energy into the middle of her clasped hands. Over the course of a few missions, Gojo and Nanami had learned that if Mieko didn't close her eyes while channelling her cursed energy, the attack was more powerful, but less controlled, which obviously raised concern from both men considering her frazzled, unclear mind state.

"You think I can't!?!"
She yelled down at the man, who did indeed
know, she was fully capable of killing him right there.

"Mieko that is enough!"

"It won't be enough until Itadori is safe!"

"Fine. You win. I'll postpone Itadori's execution."

Needless to say, she was almost the full reason why Itadori was even given a choice to decide to consume all twenty of Sukuna's fingers before execution or to be killed in the moment. However he did not know this, as she requested he didn't know. She didn't want him feeling like he needed to repay her, so Gojo took the appraise. Mieko didn't mind, she just smiled knowing Itadori was safe.

Nanami realized, pretty quickly, even before Mieko started to watch over the first years with Gojo, that she had a motherly need personality. She was the kind of woman, that she needed someone to care for, in order to take care of herself, because if she wasn't needed by someone, than to her, she wasn't needed at all.

Nanami had came to the conclusion, when he had first given her his apartment keys, so if push came to shove she could run small errands. That way Nanami could avoid being late or working overtime. He had started to notice that when he had given her the small tasks to do, that day he would come home to a house so clean, it sparkled. The bedding on his bed was washed, dirty laundry was cleaned, folded, and put away, the floors had a thin layer of oil protection, and the dishwasher would be doing a cycle.

Though Nanami was grateful for the gesture, and even at times gushed about it, as it felt like
Mieko was his loving wife, he still felt guilty. He felt as if he was taking advantage of her need to take care of another.

Present day, Nanami was on his way to the airport in his car to pick up Mieko and Gojo from another of their international missions.
Normally they often took a taxi back from the airport, however since this trip was extra long, meaning Nanami didn't see Mieko in a while, he offered to drive them both home late last night. Nanami was overly jealous of the time Gojo spent with Mieko.

And Gojo knew this, After the first mission, Nanami recognized Mieko's abilities, knowing she was fully capable of being ranked as a special grade sorcerer. Satoru ended up being the one to evaluate Mieko and promote her to being a Speical Grade One sorcerer with a mission overseas to retrieve one of Sukuna's Fingers.

Defeated, when Gojo left the room filled of the higher ups who had finished arguing about Mieko's position within the sorcerers, Nanami who left earlier, was waiting for the white haired man with a deep frown.

"Hey Gojo, do me a favour?"
Nanami asked, his face glum.

Gojo stayed nonchalant, though he already knew what Nanami was going to ask of him, causing a hint of disapproval in his eyes hidden behind his blindfold.

"Keep Mieko behind. Recommend her as a Grade One or lower sorcerer."

"I will not hold back someone from their abilities just because of your feelings. Get a hint, Nanami. The girl hates you."
Gojo told the man quite bluntly, and later, he still graded her a special grade 1, despite Nanami's request.

Truthfully she could've been classified as Special Grade, but due to her being exception to the promotion system at Jujutsu Tech, she wasn't allowed to be. Gojo, who recommended her as a Special Grade One, was also the one who went on her field test, the higher ups had decided that personal feelings couldn't be a part of Gojo's recommendation, so they allowed it, on the condition he couldn't raise her grade to Special Grade. Him and Mieko agreed to this, as Mieko didn't even want the job in the first place, much less be concerned what level she was.

But atlas, Nanami stood beside the international flight arrivals, awaiting for Mieko's return to Japan.
He anxiously tapped his foot, glancing at his watch every few seconds as his heart started to race. He didn't understand why he was so nervous to see her, the feeling was even foreign to him.
Soon, Mieko's return flight was called over the intercom, her flight number turning green for arrival on the screen beside the exit.

He sighed heavily, and waited somewhat patiently for Mieko's return.

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