Chapter Forty-Six

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♕ Raise Before ♕

There was someone holding her, she realized as her breathing slowed down long enough for her to be able to notice anything that was not the aching burn on her throat, the pounding of her head.

There was death hovering in front of her eyes, and threatening to grab her soul and rip it away from her body.

There was still fire burning inside of her, and yet, yet he held her, as her breath continued to calm down, he held her.

She was not sure if they were alone, was not sure if their hearts were the only ones beating inside the four walls around them.

But she counted them all still. Two, Four, Six. Until she could not keep up with them, until hers slowed down enough to be able to feel his cold skin trying to contain her fire in between them, to not let the light melt the world away.

"Lets get you to bed" he said, and stood with her in his arms. And all she could do was remain still, to not burst into tears, to not rip her own heart from her chest, to not let a sob escape from her throat.

She let him lift her from the ground, let him place her amongst the soft covers of the bed, tried not to shatter as she realized she could not move, could not breathe, could not think, tried not to crumble as she feared going to sleep, feared what she might find once she was alone for long enough to close her eyes.

Aubrette moved her hand and grabbed his, keeping him sitting beside her. She did not have any more strength, not to stare at him, not to open her mouth, not to do anything but hold onto his hand and try as best as she could too beg her mind to stay focus on what was around her, to not wander off into the unknown future, to not let fear sinks its claws onto her throat again, to not let it take her voice again.

Dorian spoke, but she could barely hear him. He stood, and she tried to hold onto him tighter, she could not be alone.

"Its okay" he whispered in her ear. "I'm just gonna sit on the other side of the bed. I won't go anywhere"

Aubrette nodded, and held in her breath as she let go of him, bracing herself for his hand to drop from hers, except it never did.

Dorian moved up the bed, holding onto her hand and never letting it go. She could feel the mattress sink beside her, and darkness flooding the room, darker than before.

"Go to sleep" he said, and she felt her heartbeat raising.

"Shadows" she said, red eyes flashing in her mind. Her eyes closing but she fought to keep them open. Fought to stay awake. Red eyes, blood, claws. Darkness splitting in poisoned souls. She shook her head, trying to explain, trying to tell him, trying to warn him. They would come for her again. They always came when her mind felt the weakest. They would come, and she would not be able to stop them.

"Shadows can only be seen when theres darkness trying to cloud over light. There's no light here. I'll keep it this way until you wake up." Aubrette opened her eyes, expecting to see his eyes, expecting to see the glow of hers, but there was nothing, nothing but the cold feel of his skin on hers.

She let go of her breath.

"You can't keep them out of my mind" she said, letting her fear appear in her voice.

"Is that what you're afraid of? Sleeping?" Aubrette could only nod. Even when he could not see her. "I won't let go of your hand. I'll stay awake, to wake you."

Aubrette felt her eyes close, tears falling down her cheeks as she let her mind fade away, and the pain disappear with it too.

Her hands were cold. Not her hands, but one. She turned to look at it, but there was nothing there, nothing but the gloves she was meant to wear through the evening. Aubrette walked down the stairs towards the throne room. Already filled with generals from Luna bay, from Blackstone and the mountains up north.

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