Chapter Seventy-Seven

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♕ Underneath Starlight ♕

The click of the door echoed in the room.

Aubrette could barely feel the air coming out of her mouth as she looked around to face him. Dorian just moving to sit on the edge of the bed, her bed, unbuttoning his shirt slowly, as he stared out into the window.

Starhaven looked calm so early in the morning, placed out of a picture frame. She wished they both were back home. Sitting in the floor of his bedroom, taking shots out of the same glass and laughing at nothing. She wished she could've rehearsed the words she'd say to him, wait for him to be ready to hear them, but if she waited one second more her heart would explode and there would be not enough words left to explain why it had fallen out of her chest.

Aubrette slowly moved towards him, crawling up into his lap. Dorian sighed as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her closer than he had in a while. He stared at her, waiting for her to speak first, to say something else, something neither had say, something that could explain why she was grinning so widely, or why her hands were suddenly so cold, colder than his own. She did not know if he knew her well enough to know she was nervous, and she could no longer, did no longer desired to hide that cheer vulnerability away from him. Her eyes met his, deep blue and familiar, and she could not wait a second longer before she leaned in and kissed him, softly, the way she had wanted to do from the second she'd seen Asher again. Not to prove something to herself or him, but because she'd known then, as Asher was underneath her, fighting and grinning at her the way that he used to, that no matter how much she loved him or had loved him in the past, it hadn't felt like this, it had not been love that had felt like an expansion of her own self, like looking into another's soul and recognizing yourself inside of it. It had never been that way for them.

And Dorian... Dorian was herself and more. He was her fears, her strength, he was fresh air in the early morning, and the crashing of waves echoing in her ears. He was every beat of her heart, every thought she sent up to the sky at night. She was her first though when she opened her eyes, and she wished more than anything for him to be her forever.

Dorian brought her closer to him and rested his head on her shoulder, so she couldn't see him anymore. Her hand found his hair, and they stayed there in silence, she couldn't know what he was thinking, couldn't know anything at all. She just knew she never wanted it to end, that feeling of belonging to someone else completely, without fear. Someone who knew you better than yourself, who could trace back the thoughts from your head, who could keep you grounded, who could hold your hand through the dark. Someone who understood, who listened.

She had once told him she had no love left to give but somehow, somewhere along the way she'd manage to create a deeper kind of love just for him. Maybe it had always been there, that she could not know, but now it was impossible to contain, it was all over her, a blessing of its own accord, it burned brighter than the sun, brighter than any moon or star.

"Dorian?" She asked.

"Yes love?"

"Why do you call me moonlight?" She whispered.

Dorian kissed her shoulder once more before looking directly at her. "You know how in Infernum we never get to see any sort of light?" Aubrette nodded.

"The only time I ever saw anything besides endless smoke and cloudiness was when your star was shinning over my bedroom's window. It would glow all night long, shifting slightly from one place to the next. And I thought that's what everyone meant, when talking about the moon, about moonlight. I thought, I can see why its the god of darkness. Something so beautiful can only be fully appreciated in the dark. So you can understand my shock when I found out that wasn't exactly the case, and in all honestly true moonlight after that was underwhelming to say the least" he said smirking, reaching to her and leaving a kiss on her shoulder.

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