Chapter Fifty

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♕ Red Sky at Morning ♕

It was raining. Again.

Not only raining, but actual oceans were falling from the sky onto them as it had been for a couple of weeks now. He spent most of his time trying to push the water under them forward tried to drag them as fast as he could to Luxem, wherever they could land. It wasn't a privilege they could afford to have now. Time.

He had never really had to deal with feeling stuck that way before. Desperate for things to move faster... slower. Desperate for things to simply stop. But at least he could help navigate the ship now. He could help stop them from drowning. Even if the ocean had proven harsher to control than before, when it had been still and peaceful, ready to be manipulated by his blessing. Now... now it was all over the place and Asher could only stop it from few instances at a time before feeling drained.

Jax stood beside him his hand on the stairing wheel doing his best to keep them straight. While Skylar tried their best to keep their things the least amount of wet they could. It was a fucking miracle they still had food, and any sort of drinkable water at all.

There had been a red line in the horizon every day for the past couple of mornings. And the rain had only gotten worse. As if the sea had decided their good luck had run out, and threatened to drown them all beneath its waters.

There was a certain amount of silence that came with the madness. Like none of them could bring themselves to speak when there was so many things falling around them. There was also the type of creeping madness they were all trying to fight. The thoughts that made them want to jump down a side of the ship and drown themselves in the comfort of the water.

All of them had tried to jump, and it had been Asher's new... ability. Blessing. Whatever the hell it was that had kept them from dying every time.

And then when things had seemed to be fine again, when the fog of their minds seemed to start to clear up and words and thoughts and feelings started to make sense again, the morning sky had turned red and the sky fell upon them. And the silence came again.

He was not sure if he was thankful to at least have something to do. He was also not sure how long he could keep shifting the waves away before completely drowning himself, but at least the moon shined brighter and closer to him in the night. Closer than he'd ever felt it. And then there was the thing with the stars. Who had appeared one night and had not left their sight since. It was weird, going from not having even the moon to stare at, to having this, so much light and life to stare at.

The world had shifted into various shades of grey lighted up by soft moonlight falling upon them like a pair of glowing eyes. The shade unavoidable reminded him of her. Her eyes. What they'd been before they'd drained them away from her. A pang of guilt surged in his chest. The thought of her pain as she watched the thing she loved the most burn right in front of her without anything she could do to stop it flashing in his mind repeatedly.

Asher stopped moving, letting water wrap around and hit him for a couple of seconds. The waves washing away her image. He did not expect to feel so... filled with remorse. He was not sure what he would even say to her when he saw her. Sorry I'm moon blessed now. Sorry I now am what you should be. How could you even explain something like that?

"Asher! For fucks sake!" Jax yelled behind him. "Get a grip or I'm going there and kicking your ass"

"Sorry" Asher said, pushing the waves away and rushing to him.

Skylar came rushing from downstairs, coughing up and kneeling on the wooden floor.

"Holy shit" Sky said. Laughing. Jax laughed too. And then their laughter seemed to be the only sound in the whole ocean besides the strong wind slapping against their ears. They couldn't stop. The sound of harmony turned into desperate gasps of air as they tried their best to control themselves. Water traveling inside them and seeming to drown them slowly, even when there was not a single drop coming inside their mouths.

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