Chapter Six

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Whispers of Past Souls

"But why can't we go play with the sea?" He asked the woman in red clothing. His mother he realized, as she turned towards him, her freckles small and glittery. Her hands moved his hair out of his forehead, both filled with enough rings to cover most of the skin in them. The metal touching his skin like a feather.

Asher turned away from her, climbing higher into the roof of the palace where he could see his home so much clearer. The Silent Grave extending for miles that he had not yet gotten to explore.

"The sea is for the dead" answered her mother, watching his eyes stare at it hopefully. "Its were they rest, where they let themselves guard us from the dangers underneath" her voice turned into a lower tone, her eyes lost in the distance. She had seen them before, he thought. Seen the horrors the sea could bring with her own eyes."That's not a place for the living, and much certainly, that aint a place for the heir prince of Goldcrest" she said, her voice warm and tender again.

"I wish I could go there"

His mother smiled. "We'll go together. When you're older. When you've learned to see"

"But I already know how to swim" His mother's laughter filled his ears, and although he felt embarrassed for some reason he smiled along with her.

"Time to go back. Its nightime already"

"I want to see the moon" Asher complained, he never got to see the moon, and wanted to desperately. He couldn't understand why everyone liked the sun so much when there was so much unknown to discover at night.

"We won't get to tonight. It's the new moon remember?"

"Oh" he said, and did not hide his disappointment as she grabbed his hand and pulled him towards her, carrying him back into the walls of the palace.

Asher stared at the view getting smaller and smaller, resting his chin on his mother's shoulder. He looked into the silver glow of the sea, how it melted together as the waves balanced back and fort. It was beautiful. He wanted to be as beautiful as that too someday.

"Will you tell me a story then?" He asked, as she placed him inside his small bed, he had not realized they'd walked into his room already. He hated the size of his bed, hated that his mother did not fit next to him. He swore to himself that when he was older he'd get the biggest one he could find, and let anyone sit in it for as long as they liked.

"Of course sunshine"

Asher smiled and closed his eyes, waiting for the voice of his mother to reach him.

"Further, further into the sea, were the old gods went to sneak past the gate, the gate of dreams, further further into the sea, be careful cause you'll see the young souls of Goldcrest in white golden lightning"Asher heard his mother's voice fading and fading, until he could hear nothing at all, and in his dreams, he saw himself swimming in silver and golden water.

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