Chapter Thirty-Eight

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♕ Red Sky at Night ♕

It was barely past noon when Asher opened his eyes and turned over to vomit for the third time that day. He played his head back, covering his body with three extra layers of blankets to manage the chills traveling through his whole body. A month and a half had passed, or something close to it. But it felt like a hell lot longer.

He had felt fine for the first couple of days. His hair and eyes were different, and neither of them could come up with a reasonable explanation for what had happened that night. Except for him and the voice of his mother singing repeatedly in his mind.

As if all of it, all of his life had been leading up to that. Him swimming into the sea, and the moon taking pity on his misery.

He had felt fine, and then his body started rejecting itself. He should've been out, warming up underneath the dim sunlight. But days were getting colder and the sun was barely present anymore. So instead he had stayed glued to the covers of his bed, and Jax's, and Skylar's. Pretty much under any piece of blanket he could find hidden in this god damn ship.

Nights were the worse, especially if he let himself be under the moonlight. It cut through his skin like daggers. Each and every one burying itself repeatedly under his skin but never deep enough to make serious damage. Just enough for him to feel the pain. Over, and over and over.

He felt it again, the burning in his throat before it all came up to his mouth again. He hunched over the bed, waiting with his eyes closed. But the feeling passed and he had had enough of the bed.

Slowly he made his way up the main deck, but by the time he had gotten there his skin was all covered in sweat and he could not continue to stand for longer than a minute if he wanted to prevent passing out. He sat on the floor, both his hands on his face, his elbows resting on his knees.

Asher tried to breathe deeply through his mouth and it barely worked.

"Hell Asher, you look worse" Skylar said giggling. Dropping beside him, their head laying back to let their skin soak in the soft sunlight. "If that's even possible"

"I'm fine" Asher said, groaning as the words made him dizzier. He had never gotten sea sick before, and he was sure that was not a possibility. It had to be him. Whatever changed inside him was making him sick.

"No you're not" Skylar said, grinning. "Come on im trying to help you"


Skylar's hands moved to the side, their eyes still closed. A small cup came into his view. Their hands waiting for him to grab it.

"What's that?" Asher said, still grabbing the cup, watching the liquid inside.

"Poison" Skylar shrugged. Asher rolled his eyes.


"It's just ginger tea. Drink it, it'll make the nausea go away" they said. Asher's eyes went back inside the cup, weighting his options. He took a deep breath before taking the drinking the whole thing at once. The ginger leaving a strange feeling in his tongue.

"Disgusting" he said, the aftertaste way too strong for his liking.

"You're such a baby" Skylar said shaking their head. "Have you even tried figuring out what you can do now?"

Asher frowned. "What do you mean?"

"God. Why are men so stupid" They shook their head. Moving to sit infront of him. "You have a blessing now. Given directly to you by the moon herself." Skylar said slowly, staring to him with big eyes.

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