Chapter Sixty-Four

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No more

Dorian stepped inside with Sybilla almost in his arms. Her hair and clothes filled with dirt and mud. Her eyes looked lost and she could barely hold herself upwards correctly. Aubrette did not wait for them to completely step over the threshold to rush towards them hugging Sybilla.

"What the hell Syb?" She whispered, helping Dorian carry her inside. Phoenix taking a few steps froward and narrowing her eyes as she saw into the tore up clothing, the visible bruises in her arms.

"I'm sorry. I should have let Zander come" She said, as Dorian placed her on the bed. Phoebe and Bren walking inside the room and very silently watching over their new guest.

Phoenix discreetly let the candles burn brighter, warmer, without saying anything, simply staring at them, but Aubrette had noticed and wished she let her thank her later.

"He told me to stay by the river but I was in such a hurry..."

Aubrette kneeled and grabbed her hands, trying to get to look into her eyes. "Syb, breathe, tell us what's wrong"

"I saw something." She whispered. "Here."

"What do you mean here?" Phoenix spoke, her wings slightly spreading wider.

"I saw a red sky. I saw the ground splitting. I saw a void. I saw..."

Aubrette could feel the golden glow of Phoenix's eyes as she stepped closer, standing beside Sybilla until she had no option but to look up at her.

"Phoenix" Dorian said. "Give her space" Sybilla's eyes started glossing over, her bottom lip trembling. Her eyes flashing in and out uncontrollably.

"Sorry sorry" she whispered, trying to get herself together. "Its coming faster now"

"What's coming faster? Tell me. Please" The world sounded forced, more of a command, a warning. Aubrette moved to stand in between both of them placing one hand on Phoenix's shoulders, preventing her from moving closer.

"Can't you see she is upset? She will talk, just be patient please" she said, Sybilla letting go of her breath behind them.

"I saw a moon bleeding, and feathers burning." Sybilla whispered, all of their eyes turning to her. "I saw red feathers falling into the world, rain of fire"

The words of Phoenix from the previous day echoing in her mind.

"Didn't you say that the thing..." she said, not remembering what she'd called it.

"The hydra" Phoenix said, her eyes burning.

Sybilla's hand started shaking in her lap as they all surrounded her, Phoebe's hand grabbing onto Bren's arm as if needing the extra balance.

"Syb, can you tell us more?" Aubrette asked but her eyes were lost and so out of her reach something cracked inside her chest.

"Can you tell us exactly what you saw?" Dorian spoke, "Even one small detail could help us greatly" he explained, but Sybilla barely reacted.

Aubrette sighed, turning to see Phoenix who seemed to grow more impatient by the second.

"Well if she is not going to speak again I will" Phoenix said. "We need to go kill that thing before it kills us"

If silence could explote that would have been it.

Everyone stopped breathing, everyone stopped moving or blinking, and even Aubrette who had just a brief understanding of what the creature inside the void was knew killing it was not an option.

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