Chapter 13

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While Quinn was busy getting her stuff ready and trying to cope with all the attention that was now on her, a bunch of teenage boys were hanging out in their homeroom class. The leader of this group was bad boy, Ashton Hunter.

He was the most popular boy in school. A bad boy in all forms of the word, the school's heartthrob as well as a bit of a playboy. Ashton had dark brown hair that was roughly styled, which perfectly complimented his dark, almond-shaped eyes. He had hard, chiselled features that were every girl's dream and also had a strong build. He had full lips that no girl could resist daydreaming over. What really got their hearts thumping was his full arm tattoos that ran over both his arms, that looked so strong and dangerous.

And every girl seemed to fall for him. Yes, Ashton did have one night stands and yes, he didn't like any of them.

He was the son of a Mafia boss - which only his friends knew about. He honestly hadn't cared much for others and life itself outside of the mafia as no one had done much to grab his attention. The life outside of all the guns and cars seemed too slow and boring for him. The only thing outside of his secret life that seemed to give him any interest were his friends and a pretty girl to have for a night.

The bell rang, breaking off their loud conversation but he and his friends continued to goof off as people started flooding in. It hadn't taken the people long to file in but it was a little strange to see that Mr Holden, their homeroom teacher, was late. He was a stickler for rules and punctuality so everyone knew something was up when three minutes passed and he still hadn't shown up. Another strange addition to the classroom was that the tables and chairs had been rearranged, making the paths between them much wider than normal.

Everyone was already having a hard time containing their excitement and curiosity when Mr Holden finally walked in, clearing his throat to get his students' attention, "Class, we have a new student joining us."

This information didn't interest Ashton in the least and his mind immediately shut off after that. He had actually been curious to see if something exciting was going to happen but obviously it wasn't.

"She has moved here from California. I want you all at your best around her and to make her feel welcomed."

Even now, Ashton could care less.

"Okay, you can come in now, Miss Reed," Mr Holden called and the classroom door softly opened.

As Ashton looked over at this new girl, only then did he gain any interest. This girl was - in simple terms - perfect to him.

She was quite short compared to most of the other students in the class. Her body language indicated that she was quite shy and timid as she tried to hide herself away inside her hoodie.

He found her to be absolutely adorable as she tried to shy away from everyone's gaze like a baby bird nestled beneath its mother's wing. Yet, as he continued to watch her, he found that she was also beautiful. Her figure was slim and could even be seen underneath her baggy hoodie. He had to also admire her lovely legs, which were pale and pink with each curve as delicate as her sweet face. But, what immediately had his full attention were those sparkling grey eyes that held an unknown cheerfulness to them.

This girl immediately had his full attention. And, strangely, he sort of liked it. But, as he managed to pull his gaze away from her delicate face, it was only then that he noticed the happy-looking Golden Retriever at her side, that seemed to be more excited than the girl was over their new environment. Ashton wasn't the only one as everyone was curiously watching the pooch as he gladly wagged his tail for all to see.

"Everyone, this is Quinn Reed," Mr Holden introduced the new girl, taking everyone's attention away from the dog.

Her name fit her perfectly. It was adorable and beautiful, just like her.

"Now as you can see Miss Reed has a support animal with her. I know it's exciting to see a dog in school but I strongly advise that you don't get distracted by it or distract it from it's task either. If you are caught, we have put punishments in place to make sure you remember never to do it again."

Ashton stared curiously at the dog before looking over at the new girl with slight concern. He didn't know why he suddenly felt worried about her, maybe it was how much younger she looked from him or the fact that she had a support dog with her, but either way something in him felt the need to watch over her. To protect her.

"Would you care to say a few words to your new classmates, Miss Reed?" Mr Holden offered.

Archer sat up a bit straighter. The sudden urge to hear her voice seemed to overwhelm him. Would it be soft and sweet? Would it be as perfect as her? But, he was soon left disappointed as she shook her head, pulling her hood over her a bit more.

This girl really is shy.

Mr Holden pointed to an empty seat near the window for her to take and she nodded as she walked over, the dog following close behind. Everyone watched her with curious and fascinated stares and Ashton was no exception.

While the teacher was busy explaining something boring and useless to the class - at least in Ashton's case - he snuck intriguing glances over at Quinn Reed. He didn't know what he was feeling or what she was doing to him without having to do anything at all but he liked it.

And he definitely liked her.

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