Chapter 18

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Three weeks had gone by. Quinn had successfully avoided Ashton and it seemed that he was catching on to how she was acting. He had become quite complacent in Italian class. But, she didn't miss the glances he would send her way, with many unknown thoughts swirling in his dark, mesmerizing eyes. Those glances said all that needed to be said by him but, even if he really want to talk to her, he wasn't saying anything.

Ashton knew that Quinn was purposely avoiding him. Ignoring him whenever their eyes met. He knew that she was having doubts about his true intentions. Doubting if he actually liked her. And he knew for a fact that she had heard the rumours being muttered about him around the school. That she knew all about him sleeping around. However, he wasn't going to confront her about it. She needed time and he respected that. But, after three weeks, he couldn't hold back his thoughts anymore.

He watched as Quinn talked with her new friends in the hallway. The three girls had become surprisingly close within the short time they had known one another and Ashton didn't miss how happy Quinn had become. Even now he could see the slight change in her demeanour, the skip in her step and the constant smile on her face.

Lunch had just begun. The girls were all at Quinn's locker, waiting for her to get all her things ready as they chatted away.

"My grandmother wants me to visit her this weekend. She's a big movie buff so we always beinge watch a bunch of different movies. Any big plans for you girls?" Her rock-and-roll friend asked as she leaned against some lockers

"I'm just going to relax this weekend. What about you Nia?" Quinn asked.

"Are you going on another date with that girl you met online?"

"Nah, she's been ignoring me since our first date. I honestly don't think I'm ever going to see that second date," her more stylish friend replied.

"Well that sucks." The girls continued to chat before the rock-and-roll friend groaned loudly, "Hurry up, babes. They're serving meatball subs today and my tummy is growling for one to be inside of it," she whined, holding her stomach.

"You guys go on ahead, I'll catch up. I just want to get all my books ready for my other classes," Quinn replied softly as she put away her Italian textbook.

"You sure? We don't want to just leave you."

"It's okay," she smiled, peering down at Major who sat looking up at her while his tongue lay out by the side of his mouth, "I've got Major with me."

"Okay, meet you at our usual table," her stylish friend replied, grabbing their other friend by the back of her flannel collar, "Come on, let's go get you meatballs, shortass. Before I have to growl at your tummy to shut the fuck up."

"I'm not short, you beanpole bitch!"

Her two friends soon faded from view, leaving Quinn rummaging through her locker for her other books with Major looking up at her as she said something to him. Ashton smirked at this perfect oppertunity, immediately walking over to her and leaning against the locker next to hers.

"Hey, Quinn. Long time, no see."

She seemed surprised by his sudden appearance but a quick glance was all that she spared him. She refused to look into his intense dark eyes as she continued to search her locker.

"Why have you been ignoring me? I miss you, sweetheart," he leaned a little closer as he spoke and he didn't miss how she slightly stiffened at the sound of his smooth voice.

He smirked triumphantly, proud to see the effect he had over her. She tried not to let his sweet voice sway her as she quickly shut her locker. She looked over at him, seeing a charming smile on his face while his eyes continued to bore into her own.

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