Chapter 17

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A week after the dinner, Quinn had been avoiding Ashton similar to how little children avoided strangers. She was too embarrassed to be near him. He never felt anything for her, it was just him being like every other playboy in existence. Though she didn't know why this thought hurt her so much. She had, had a couple of crushes on guys in the past but it never bothered her when they never returned her feelings. But, something in the way he had smiled at her at the lunch table, made her want to think differently. That he did feel a smidgen of something for her.

Lost in thought, she didn't notice as she tripped over some girl's guitar case. Instantly, she was on the floor with the girl looking panicked while Major hurried over to her, making sure she was not harmed or in any distress. But, in all the chaos and panic, all Quinn could really focus on was the pretty colour of the girl's hair. The dyed red colour sort of reminded Quinn of flames dancing in the night.

 The dyed red colour sort of reminded Quinn of flames dancing in the night

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"Oh fuck! I'm so sorry. I should really watch where I put my things."

The girl scrambled to help Quinn up along with another girl. This girl had beautiful light brown skin as well as a mass of gorgeous natural curls. She was too beautiful for words.

 She was too beautiful for words

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"Damn it, Delilah. This is the third time someone has tripped over your stupid guitar."

"Oh shut the fuck up."

The girls finished helping her up, allowing Major to properly check on Quinn and make sure she was okay. Quinn wanted to thank the girls but then she noticed the red head staring at Major with a wishful look in her charcoal eyes.

"Do-do you want to pet him?" Quinn asked, feeling somewhat happy that the girl didn't just pet him without asking.

"May I?"

"Sure, go ahead."

The girl giggled as she bent down to pet Major, who honestly loved any kind of affection. It was then that Quinn noticed the girl's rock-and-roll attire. A black leather jacket, red ankle boots with thick soles and even a black beanie. She looked quite adorable yet badass.

"What's this cutie's name?" the other girl asked, making Quinn look over to her.


This girl was quite different from the rocker chick. She was stylish but stayed somewhat casual. Unlike the rocker chick, she wore a little bit of makeup, which allowed her umber eyes to pop. The blue and white striped top she wore made her look quite chic, emphasized by the golden bangles dangling from her narrow wrists.

"Hey, wait a minute. You're that new girl, right?" The stylish one asked, making Quinn blush.

"Um, y-yes."

"Oh, cool!" The rocker girl suddenly jumped up, giving Quinn a large grin, "I'm Delilah and this is my childhood friend, Nia."

"I can introduce myself, shortass."

Now that Quinn could get a better look, Nia was not wrong in her statement. In fact, Nia was tall for a girl their age and the nude wedges she wore seemed to add to it. In fact, she practically towered over both Quinn and Delilah - who were both equal in their small height.

However, it didn't seem that Delilah was ready to accept that fact, "Fuck you, you tall bitch."

A giggle escaped Quinn's lips, making Major bark and smile in his dog-ish way as the girls looked over at her curiously. "Sorry, I don't mean to laugh. You guys just seem really close."

"We've known each other since forever," Delilah stated proudly, trying her best to sling her arm over Nia's shoulder but the height difference made it a little awkward to look at.

"That must be nice. I didn't make many friends at school."

"How come?"

Quinn could feel her mind slipping. Those words weren't meant to make her heart feel like it was being torn apart. But, even though they didn't mean to, those words brought back a lot of bad memories.

"Um, I had a lot of panic attacks at school when I was younger. When I was finally able to control my emotions and got my first support dog, many of the children thought I was weird and didn't want anything to do with me. So, in the end, I ended up mostly alone."

"Aw, sweetie," Quinn was surprised as both girls enveloped her in a hug and it was kind of strange. She had never been embraced like that before unless she counted her dad or Nanna and Pop-pop.

"If you want," Nia started, pulling away slightly to look at the small girl, "You can join us for lunch."


"Yep, then I won't be the only shortass."

"Seriously, Dee?"

The two girls started to bicker and Quinn couldn't help but giggle once more between them. She wasn't used to this. Friendly bickering. Playful teasing. It was. . .nice.

"Anyway, we gotta bounce. See you at lunch, babes," Delilah said as the first bell of the day went off.

As they each gave Quinn one last hug, they split up and went their separate ways. Excitement coursed through Quinn's veins and all she wanted to do was scream at the top of her lungs that she finally had some friends. In fact, she was so excited that as she entered her homeroom, she didn't even notice Ashton in his usual seat. She simply strode past him and took her seat.

However, he did notice her.

His dark eyes took notice of the dream-like smile on her face, the cheerfulness in her grey eyes, and the slight bounce in her walk. Even her dog seemed to be as chipper as she was. One part of him was glad to see her so happy. The other part wanted to be the reason she smiled.

For a whole week she had been avoiding him and Asthon wanted to prove himself. For some reason, he felt the need to prove himself to Quinn, to show her that he was worth her time and that he wouldn't leave her out to dry. She was different from the rest and he wanted nothing more than to let her know how he truly felt.

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