Chapter 5

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Four years later

Inside his office, Archer was in the middle of a very important meeting with another mafia boss.

"So if all goes well, we could get around $20 million," the other boss, explained.

Archer nodded as the man ended his sentence. The other boss was talking about how one person, who was apparently quite wealthy, owed him a huge sum of money. He was going on and on about him wanting Archer's help to get rid of him.

As Archer was about to reply to his friend, his office doors burst open. He glared at the person who would dare disturb his important business but his gaze softened and he smiled widely as his little girl ran up to him.

"Daddy! Daddy!" she squealed with joy as she rushed towards him.

Quinn was now four years old and she was such a beautiful child. She had long dark brown hair that bounced in large waves against her lovely pink skin. Her grey eyes had their usual cheerful shine to them along with a cute button nose. She was still a tiny thing but had grown quite a bit.

And. . .

She was the most joyful and energetic child he had ever known. Quinn ran up to him, plopping herself on his lap.

"Hi, daddy," she smiled and gave him a hug.

He smiled at her, hugging her back, "Hello, Quinny."

Footsteps echoed outside the office and then Geneva appeared by the door. She breathed heavily as she leaned against the doorway, staring warily at her employer.

"Quinn, I told you not to disturb your father right now," Geneva softly scolded the little girl.

"But I want to show daddy my new dress," she whined, climbing off her father's lap and twirling in front of him.

Archer noticed that she was wearing a new powder pink dress. It suited her small body well the short sleeves and the skirt ended just below her knee.

"It is a pretty dress, Quinny but you must listen to the housekeepers when they tell you something," he scolded.

Her once cheerful face fell and was replaced with a very sorrowful expression. "Okay, daddy." she pouted as she rushed over to Geneva, who led her out of the room.

Archer sighed as he saw them leave and then turned back to the other boss, who had been watching the exchange in silence. Though, one only had to look at his face to see that he had been surprised by the sweetness in Archer's tone the minute Quinn had shown up.

"Go on with what you were saying." Archer continued his meeting, trying to get it over with as soon as possible.

"I just wanted your approval."

"I'm just a call away. Go ahead with the operation and I'll supply you with whatever you need."

The other boss nodded, a proud smirk displayed on his lips as he stood up and left the office. Archer then got up and walked out to see Geneva just staring at the stairs.

"Geneva, where is Quinn?" he asked with concern.

She sighed as she looked at him, "Quinn went up to her room. The poor dear seemed very upset about something."

He nodded as he walked upstairs and down the left hall, to the last door on the left. Greeting him was Quinn's white bedroom door with her named painted on it in pink. Taking in a deep breath, he opened the door and looked around her large room.

Her floor was snow white carpeting and the walls were a pretty baby blue colour. She had a bathroom, just to the side of her room away from her door, that connected to her room since she learned how to use the potty at age two. It was white and pink with a sink, bathtub and a toilet. She had a walk-in closet in the right corner of the room, just across from her bedroom door.

Her toy boxes were all against the walls, all of them different colours like pink, white, baby blue and pale purple. They were all labelled for a specific toy. From dolls to ponies to stuffed teddy bears. She had her white painted dresser next to her bathroom door with all her hair accessories and her hair brush.

On the other side of the room was the large glass doors which led outside to the balcony. And, up against the wall, across from the bedroom door, was her small single bed. The bed sheets were white with little Winnie the Poohs and Piglets over it. And laying on the bed was an unhappy looking Quinn.

He walked over to the bed and sat next to Quinn. She slightly looked up at him with teary eyes as she curled up a bit more.

"What's wrong, Quinny?" he softly asked as he gently rubbed her back.

She let out a small whimper before speaking, "Are you mad at me, daddy?"

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"Because you don't want me in the office place. I promise I won't go in there again. Just please don't be mad at me."

"Aw, Quinny." He lifted her onto his lap and gave her a comforting hug and she hesitantly hugged him back.

"I'm not mad at you but when Geneva or the other housekeepers tell you to do something, it's for your own good. I was in a very important meeting and I didn't want people coming in while I was busy. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings but I was just busy," he cooed.

She slightly nodded against his chest and cuddled closer. "Sorry, daddy," she mumbled.

"It's okay, baby girl."

They sat there for a few minutes before Quinn shifted off his lap. "Daddy?"

"Yes, Quinny?"

"Are you going to go back to your office to do work?"

"Yes, why?"

"Can I play in your office while you work?"

"Quinn I don't-"


He looked into her pleading grey eyes. She had the exact same eyes as her mother. And, if there's one thing her mother knew, it was that he could never say no to those eyes.

Those pretty little grey eyes.

He sighed in defeat from those accursed, pretty eyes before sighing out, "Okay, you can play in the office but don't bother me while I work, understand?"

"Yay!" she squealed as she hopped off her bed, running towards her father's office.

He sighed as he got off the bed walking after her. Damn those eyes he couldn't say no to.

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