Chapter 22

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Quinn had just woken up and was getting ready for school. She was in her walk-in closet, trying to pick out her outfit.

It was a really warm day so she had decided on wearing a flowy white tank top, black jean shorts and strapy sandals

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It was a really warm day so she had decided on wearing a flowy white tank top, black jean shorts and strapy sandals. She let her dark brown hair flow down her shoulders in messy curls.

As she walked out, Major ran up to her and was barking happily. She smiled as she patted his head and he followed her as she walked downstairs.


Quinn made her way into school and straight to her locker. She was surprised to find that Ashton and her friends weren't there. However, she didn't dwell on the irregularity for long. Maybe Ashton was with his friends at one of their lockers, maybe Nia was late and maybe Delilah had band practice.

While she rummaged through her locker for the correct books, someone purposefully slammed into the locker next to her. She jumped in fright, nearly having a heart attack while Major barked warnings at the person. She looked to her right to see a guy casually leaning against the locker, smirking at her.

He had powerful green eyes and thick blond locks styled in a quiff. His features were sharp and hard. The guy was tall and easily towered over Quinn's small stature.

"Sorry angel cake, did I scare you?" the guy questioned but it didn't seem innocent or apologetic.

"W-Who are you?" Quinn stuttered, trying to calm herself from the shock as her hand reached out to pet Major.

"My bad. I'm Grant. You must be that Quinn chick everyone is talking about."


"Okay, hear me out, babe. I'm thinking you, me and a romantic date at that new Italian place. What do you say?"

Quinn was appalled by his statement. She couldn't believe a guy like him even existed. Then again, she knew first-hand from her father's business that there was always a scumbag or two lurking around.

"I have a boyfriend so I'll just-" she tried to leave, hoping she could rush straight to class with Major to comfort her but Grant grabbed her wrist harshly and pulled her back to face him.

"Come on, sweetcheeks, what is one little cheat going to do?" Grant questioned, still cockily smirking.

Quinn was struggling in his hold and was about to scream when Grant was ripped away from her and an arm went over her small shoulders, pulling her close to someone's side. Major was worriedly rubbing up against her leg, trying to provide comfort as best as he could. It calmed her enough to look up at the person only to be met with the face of Ashton.

She smiled at him, thankful that he had saved her from Grant and she cuddled closer to his side. A crowd had formed around the three of them as Ashton glared at Grant with so much hatered and rage it could even make Hell freeze over.

"Don't fucking touch my girl, Grant," Ashton spat, his tone dripping with furious venom.

Grant just darkly and tauntingly chuckled as he pushed himself off the lockers and slightly limped away. The crowd quickly dispersed after that and Ashton looked over at Quinn with worried and gentle eyes.

"Are you okay?"

"Now that you're here. I thought Grant was going to force me to go out with him or something," she replied, her lip quivering with fear.

"I need you to stay away from that guy, he's bad news."

Quinn slightly nodded; he didn't have to tell her twice. They got the rest of her books and soon made their way to her first lesson - Italian.


It was finally lunch time and Quinn was excited to meet up with Ashton and his friends and go out for Starbucks. She had never been and was honestly not very interested but she was excited to try something new. She skipped down the school halls with a big smile on her face, happy that her and Ashton were going to go out and have fun.

As she walked past Mrs Mars' art class, an arm wrapped around her torso and a hand clamped roughly over her mouth. They dragged her into the art class, closing the door, leaving her alone and restrained with her back against a hard chest. She could hear Major freak out behind the door and his scattering paws soon grew softer as he ran to get help, something he had been trained to do. She just hoped he was quick enough.

"Now we're alone, sweetcheeks," the anonymous person sadistically whispered into her ear and her eyes widened in fear.

The person slammed her back against the wall and her fears were confirmed.

It was Grant.

She stood frozen in front of him, her eyes wide with fear with his warm breath fanning against her chest. He had a sadistic smirk on his face and that made her blood run cold.

"I can't wait to see how you look from underneath your clothes." he darkly chuckled.

Quinn tried to scream but Grant's hand muffled it. His free hand glided down to her shorts' waistband and undid the button. Quinn tried scream louder and Grant's smirk just widened as he slowly began to slip his hand inside her shorts.

She frantically shook her head, silently pleading with him while he just took pleasure in seeing her pained expression. He leaned down, about to do who knows what with her, when he was ripped off of her and someone brought her into a comforting and protective embrace. An embrace that she knew all too well.

She looked up tearfully into Ashton's face as a whimper escaped her lips. He held onto her firmly, refusing to let go. She looked over her shoulder to see the rest of the guys beating up Grant while Major growled intimidatingly at him, looking as angry as the men in the room. She was relieved and overjoyed to see them and cried into Ashton's chest, a mixure of relief and shock washing over her as the tears flooded out.

"It's okay, Quinn. I'm here now," Ashton softly cooed in her ear while he gently stroked her hair.

"I w-want t-to go h-home Ashton. Please j-just t-take me h-home," she sobbed, cuddling closer into his chest.

He slightly nodded as he turned to the guys, his eyes zeroing in on the waste of oxygen before him. "Boys, put this piece of shit in the trunk of Alan's car then follow me back to Quinn's place."

Neither one refused, all fueled by rage as they gripped Grant's arms and dragged him out. Major bounded over to Quinn and she couldn't help dropping to her knees just to feel the comforting touch of his soft fur. Her mind was a mess and the only thing that seemed to keep her grounded was Ashton and Major.

Asthon let her have her moment and, once she was satisfied, soon helped her to his car, having both her and Major in the back. She laid down and cried while Major licked her face. Ashton stared heartbroken at the sight before turning to stare at the boys, who were all situated in Alan's car. He gave them a nod as he took off toward Quinn's house, hoping she'd be able to calm down and rest once they got her back.

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