Chapter 31

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Ashton and Quinn walked out the movie theatre, Quinn happily leaning on his arm while holding his tattooed hand. They had been on a couple of dates and tonight they had both agreed to be a bit corny. So, what better way than having a cliché date at the movie theatre.

Quinn was dressed comfortably in a striped sweater with a black tank top underneath; dark skinny jeans, and a pair of grey ankle boots with tan soles and tan fur cuffs.

Quinn was dressed comfortably in a striped sweater with a black tank top underneath; dark skinny jeans, and a pair of grey ankle boots with tan soles and tan fur cuffs

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Ashton was dressed to impress - Quinn, that is - a black leather jacket just to show off, blue jeans, and white converse sneakers.

Ashton was dressed to impress - Quinn, that is - a black leather jacket just to show off, blue jeans, and white converse sneakers

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The two love birds walked through the cinema doors and straight to the little cafe that was right outside. The movie had been a strange comedy movie but it still left them chuckling every now and then.

"Ashton, why did we watch that weird movie? I was certain you were going to choose a horror movie." Quinn giggled.

Ashton smirked as he not-so-subtly pulled her closer by her waist, placing a kiss on her temple. He then replied, "Well, I remember you saying that you liked comedies. Also, you are such a scaredy cat when it comes to horror movies."

Quinn gasped as she playfully pushed Ashton's shoulder, making him chuckle as he slid them into a booth, each ordering something to drink. Once their waitress left, Quinn turned back to Ashton.

"I am not a scaredy cat."

"Your girly screams from our movie night the other day makes me think otherwise."

Quinn huffed, choosing to ignore him as she picked up the menu. Ashton rolled his eyes as he gave her temple another kiss, this one a little more loving.


Both held hands as they walked out of the mall, Quinn licking at an oreo ice-cream with a slight frown on her face. She was still a little upset at him even though he was right. Though. . .she'd never admit it. Ashton looked over, seeing her glare at him in the corner of her eye.

With a sigh, he decided to end this. "How about a kiss? Will that make you feel better, sweetheart?"

"Maybe. . ."

Ashton leaned down and placed his warm lips to Quinn's soft ones. It felt like they moulded together in perfect bliss. Ashton was about to wrap his arms lovingly around Quinn, when he remembered the ice-cream in her hand. They pulled apart and smiled at each other.

"Apology accepted." Quinn giggled, taking a lick of her oreo goodness.

"See, that wasn't so-"

Just as they were about to turn a corner, to head to the parking lot, a hooded figure jumped out from nowhere. He held a sharp and gleaming silver switch blade, his grip firm and tight on the weapon.

Ashton instantly pushed Quinn behind him, protecting her with his body. He stared intently at the symbol engraved on the blade, knowing this wasn't some random attacker.

Quinn fisted his leather jacket, her grip tight and her ice-cream long forgotten. She was frightened and images of men in black suits and sly, smirking faces flashed through her mind. Tears slowly cascaded down her pale pink cheeks as she remembered what transpired after the kidnapping. The loud sounds of the whip hitting the corroding cement floor, filling her ears.

The figure lunged towards Ashton and he quickly dodged, pulling Quinn with him. Ashton then gave the figure a mean uppercut, sending him stumbling backwards.

The figure lunged once more, just grazing Ashton's arm with the switch blade. Ashton winced in slight pain as he grabbed the hooded figure's arm and threw him to the ground, kicking his side repeatedly.

Once Ashton was sure that the man was unconscious, he turned around and gave Quinn a comforting hug, her body shaking profusely. He softly kissed her forehead as he pulled out his phone and dialled his father's number.

"Hello son. Why are you calling?" his father answered.

"Dad, me and Quinn were attacked. Call her dad, inform him of the incident and tell him she's unharmed," Ashton quickly spoke.

"What about you?"

"Just a graze on my arm, I'll be fine. But come quick. The attacker has a blade with the engraving of a mafia symbol on it. I don't think this was random."

"We'll be at your location in fifteen minutes. Are you both still at the mall?"

"Yes, now hurry!" Ashton ordered, ending the call.

He then cuddled Quinn to his chest and softly kissed her cheek as she trembled with unnerving fright.

"A-Ash-ton. . ."

"It's okay, Quinn. Calm down." Ashton cooed, placing another soft kiss on her cheek.

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