Chapter 33

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Archer lay silent in his bed. He was sleeping peacefully, after only a few hours of finding out about Edward. His sleep offered him an escape from that monster. At first it was a blank, dreamless sleep, peaceful and calm. But soon his mind started to morph a dream for him and it was something he hadn't thought about in years.

It began with him walking down the corridor of the chapel. Today was a very special day since he was about to marry Monica, the woman of his dreams and the source of his undying love.

He knocked on her door and called out, "Monica, it's time to come out."

He knew it was bad luck to see the blushing bride in her wedding dress before the ceremony but he decided to live dangerously. Archer just couldn't wait any longer. He really needed to see the love of his life, looking like a queen in her beautiful white wedding dress.

When he got no reply from her, he knocked again - a little louder this time - and called out, "Monica, you have to come out now, sweetheart."

After a couple of seconds of her not replying, he slammed open the door with frustration and stomped in fuming. However, he froze on his spot when he saw her. But not how he expected to see her.

Monica was lying on the floor, on her stomach, with blood trailing down her wrists that were covered in cuts. In her left hand was a razor blade covered in sticky, red blood. Her eyes were closed and she almost looked as if she wasn't breathing.

"Monica!" Archer yelled as he rushed towards her limp body.

He checked her pulse, feeling it faint and almost non-existent. Her breathing was soft, irregular and small, you almost couldn't feel it.

"Monica! What the fuck did you do?" Archer yelled, shaking Monica's body for a response - which he didn't get.

He immediately took off his black tuxedo jacket, wrapping it tightly around her wrists so she didn't lose anymore blood.

He picked her up, with one arm under her knees and the other under her arms in a bridal manner. Archer rushed out of the room, passing some of his men that began to follow him.

"Harold, inform everyone in the chapel that the wedding is off! Tell them there's been an incident that makes it impossible to go on with the ceremony, don't mention anything about what has really happened! Darwin, get my doctor, Liam here now! Everyone else, help clear out the guests, no one gets past you!" Archer barked out orders, all his men rushing off to do as he commanded.

He looked down at Monica, her pale pink skin almost a ghostly white. Sighing heavily, he placed a soft kiss on her forehead, rushing towards the infirmary.


A couple of days had passed since the wedding day incident. Monica was making a remarkable recovery and would soon be completely healed. But she hadn't spoken since then, she didn't even talk to the doctor. She had been like stone, unresponsive.

Archer walked into the infirmary, seeing Monica stare blankly in front of her, looking at nothing in particular. Her expression was like a blank page, her grey eyes that had lost most of their cheerfulness. Bandages covered her wrists so she couldn't reopen the wounds.

He sighed as he sat in the chair next to her bed, looking over at her with concern. He didn't attempt to talk to her since he knew she wouldn't talk back. Nope, he just stared at her, worry in his eyes.

She then turned her head towards him, staring directly into his dark brown eyes. Then she did the unexpected. She spoke.

"I hate you."

That wasn't too surprising. Afterall, he had kidnapped her and forced her to marry him. That day at the docks, trying to keep her safe, even then he'd had ulterior motives. He truly did love her. But now, it all seemed so wrong. And, if he had to let her go, then so be it.

"Yet," his ears perked up as he stared up at her, seeing tears well up in her beautiful eyes, "You're not the monster I thought you were. Y-You're kind and you actually cared about me. But you kidnapped me, you've kept me prisoner for so long. And you forced me to marry you!"

She sounded broken and hurt but he could see she was struggling to get all this out. And her next words were just as surprising.

"So, why is it, that when I look at you and hate you with all my being, you look at me with. . .love?"

Archer stared at her with shock before snapping out of his frozen state. He didn't know how to respond to that. What did this all mean?

"W-well," he looked up to see her waiting, almost hoping for an answer, "Because I. . .I do love you."

He didn't get a chance to process anything. One minute she was in front of him, the next her sweet soft lips were pressed firmly against his in a tender but gentle kiss. Tears streamed down her flushed cheeks and he couldn't help but wrap his arms around her, bringing her closer.

After that kiss, their relationship had, had many ups and downs. And, after everything that had happened, he still managed to get the girl. And Monica grew to genuinely love him. But, that's a completely different story.

Archer rolled to the side, smiling at his dream. But then it began to change. His dream then morphed into a nightmare. And this nightmare had happened a long time ago.

The vase slammed to the floor, breaking into a thousand sharp shards. Edward stood in front of Archer - a man he used to call his best friend.

Pointing a threatening finger at Archer, he yelled at him, "I fucking swear to you Archer! I will make you fucking suffer for what you did!"

"Eddie, I-"

Before Archer could even finish speaking, Edward threw everything on Archer's desk to the floor, adding extra tension to the room.

"Don't you even fucking think of calling me Eddie again, shitface! I'm fucking leaving but I swear I'm going to make you fucking suffer, Archer. I shall have my revenge and I'll be pissing on your grave for a whole week to celebrate." Edward threatened, storming out of Archer's office.

Archer heavily sighed, not knowing what to do. Because of one little screw up, he lost his best friend and now that best friend wanted to make him suffer.

Archer woke up with a fright as soft knocking sounded from his door. He woke up, drenched in cold sweat. His breathing was heavy and unsteady. He slowly ran his fingers through his slightly greying dark brown hair, steadying his breathing.

Soft knocking sounded at his door again. He quickly got up and made his way to the door. When he opened the door, he found Rosa - one of his housekeepers - standing in front of him. She handed him a letter addressed to him.

"This arrived just now, at the front gate," she timidly explained, walking away with a quick bow.

Archer sat on his bed as he opened the letter. He stared at the words that were neatly written on the page. His blood ran cold at the what they said:

'We played many games together as children, Arch. We were like brothers. But I'm sick of playing games with a bastard like you. Revenge is near, my old friend. Sadly, your precious daughter will die first. Then, it's your turn.

Archer ripped up the letter, throwing it in a nearby trashcan. His hands scrunched up into tight fists, making his knuckles go white. He glared at his floor, imagining Edward's face staring back at him.

"I will fucking kill you, Edward. You will not scar my daughter again. And you will not make me suffer any more."

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