Chapter 19

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A week after Quinn had decided to give Ashton a chance, she'd been the talk of the whole school.

Why, you may ask?

Because it was the first time anyone had ever heard of The Ashton Hunter actually having to beg a girl to go out with him. Even her friends were in shock.

"This is huge, babe! I'm so excited for you I could just scream!" Delilah joked, bouncing in place as if she were about to burst.

"Please don't. You already gave me a headache after I picked you up."

Quinn giggled at them as she closed her locker, watching her friends bicker about something that had happened in the morning when Nia had picked up Delilah for school. However, a bark from Major pulled her attention away from them as an arm slinked around her small shoulders.

"Hey, Quinn," she heard the all too familiar voice greet her.

She looked up into their mesmerizing dark eyes and smiled, "Hello, Ashton."

She looked behind him to see his usual group of friends: Jay, Alan, Tommy, Wyatt and Joey. They all gave her friendly smiles to greet her and she returned their greeting with a small wave and a shy smile.

"Ash, ask her," Wyatt practically ordered earning a bunch of 'yeahs' and nods from the others.

Ashton gave them all a warning glare before taking a gentle hold of Quinn's hands and turning her to face him. She gave him a questioning look while her friends watched on with their breaths held. He had a nervous smile on his face and his hands were slightly sweaty.

He gave out a slight cough before asking, "Quinn, would you like to go on a date with me?"

Quinn couldn't contain her joy and excitement. So, what did she do? She squealed loudly, jumping up and down unable to contain her emotions, as she wrapped her arms around Ashton's neck. Obviously, this surprised Ashton and the others.

"Yes, I'll go on a date with you," she giggled with glee as she tried to control herself.

Ashton smiled at her answer, wrapping his arms around her as well. Her friends were hugging each other, happy for their shy, little friend. However, Ashton's friends were cheering, doing high-fives, jumping around and yelling 'yeah' at the top of their lungs.

The boys were being a bit too loud though. So, you can imagine that the hall monitors weren't too happy with that and all the boys were escorted to the head teacher. Ashton chuckled as his friends got dragged away. He softly took a hold of Quinn's hand and led her down the hall to her next lesson.


Quinn was up in her room getting ready for her and Ashton's date. She was so excited and could hardly contain her joy. In fact, she had been barely home before she had told her father. She was just too excited.

But her father certainly wasn't as overjoyed as she was and couldn't stop his overprotective, fatherly instincts from boiling over. He had always been possessive over Monica and he had nearly killed one of his own men just because he had said that she looked nice. So, you could only imagine that he was super protective over his daughter.

One part of him was glad that she was going on her very first date with one of his allies's son. She had never stepped so far outside of her comfort zone and he wanted her to have some normality in her life. Yet, another part of him wanted to lock her up in her room, wait for Ashton to come over and threaten him to never even look at his daughter again.

But - not wanting to ruin his daughter's first date - he decided to be the good and supportive father and allow her to go out. Archer was going to be understanding. Quinn wasn't a baby anymore, she was a beautiful and intelligent young woman. She deserved a night out to be a normal, teenage girl. That didn't mean he wouldn't ruin Ashton's life if anything were to happen to Quinn. Or if Ashton decided to try something on her. He was of course her father and - let's not forget - a freaking mafia boss. It was his job to threaten people and Ashton was going to get his special treatment.

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