Chapter 8

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Archer was peacefully sleeping in his bed when he was awoken by the sound of soft giggles. He kept his eyes closed as the giggles of his little girl got closer. He felt the bed dip as she struggled to get up. After a lot of self hoisting and pushing, she finally got on the bed. He felt her giggle and - knowing his little girl - she was about to jump on him.

Before she could even take another step closer, his arms wrapped around her and she squealed in surprise. He began to tickle her and she laughed loudly.

"Nooooooo, please stooop daddyyyyy!" she squealed with laughter.

"And what were you going to do to me?" he asked as he slowly stopped tickling her.

Once she got her breath back, she engulfed him in a hug and yelled, "Happy birthday, daddy!"

He smiled at her words. He just couldn't believe that his little girl took the time to remember his birthday.

"Thank you, Quinny."

He gave her cheek a quick kiss before allowing her to drag him out of bed and down the stairs.

All his men and workers - like maids and gardeners, etc. - were in the kitchen and they all chorused, "Happy birthday, sir."

The housekeepers had prepared his breakfast, special birthday pancakes with mouthwatering syrup and fresh raspberries. Quinn had her own little stack of pancakes as well.

As he finished up his breakfast, he felt Quinn pull on his night shirt. Turning to face her, he saw she had a little box in her hand. It was obvious, by the way it looked, that she had gift wrapped the box herself. The white wrapping paper was all popped out and torn at some places with tape unneatly wrapped over it. And the thin red ribbon, that was supposed to be tied in a bow was all in a jumble at the top.

"Slade helped me get a present for you daddy. I wrap it myself," Quinn explained as she handed the poorly wrapped box to her father.

Archer thought it was adorable that his little girl had tried to wrap his present all by herself and politely accepted her gift. As he opened it up - with much difficulty since the wrapping was all jumbled - he took out his present.

It was a lovely silver watch with a black leather strap. The numbers were white italic roman numerals and the hands were black. The watch itself was quite large and round while the strap was thick.

He couldn't believe the gift his daughter and friend had gotten him. He instantly picked her up, engulfing her in a hug.

"Thank you, Quinn. You're a little angel."

"It okay daddy."


It was later that day, 7:15 at night to be exact, and Archer's driver pulled up outside a restaurant that his parents had hired for the whole night. They planned to celebrate his birthday here with some of his close friends - which were a bare minimum - and other close mafia bosses and some relatives.

Archer was dressed in a tailor-made black suit. A red, button-up dress shirt was underneath his jacket with a black tie and shiny black leather shoes to compliment his elegant look. His hair was neat and slicked back with gel. To complete the look, he also had on the watch that Quinn and Slade had gotten him.

Quinn was dressed in a baby blue party dress. It came half way over her knee and had long, off the shoulder sleeves. A pure white bow was around her waist, the bow placed to the side. She had a matching pair of white ballet flats. And lastly, her brown hair was in natural curls as it loosely flowed down her shoulders.

As they walked in, they were greeted by relatives, mafia bosses and one or two of Archer's friends. After they were greeted, his mother came rushing over and gave him a big hug.

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