Chapter 39

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"HOW COULD YOU LET HIM TAKE HER!" Archer yelled in utter rage, as he slammed the young man into a wall.

The young man being Ashton.

Yes, Ashton didn't die. By some miracle, he had floated to shore and was able to call for help before passing out. He woke up a few hours later in Archer's house, with a doctor treating him while Archer was raging out. Luckily he's own father was there to worry about him.

Once his was finished being treated, Archer immediately asked where Quinn was. Of course, he wasn't too happy about the news and that is how we ended up to this part of the story, folks.

Enzo tried to intervene but, before he could anything, Ashton glared at Archer as he pushed the grown man away from him. He stood straight and stared into Archer's fuming eyes. Archer just glared at Ashton, wanting nothing more than to shoot him in his other shoulder.

"She wouldn't have even been with me if you hadn't fought with her! You made her feel like shit! You made her feel worthless and unwanted, so she called me to make her feel better! If anyone is to fucking blame here, it's you!" Ashton exclaimed, releasing all of his anger.

Archer's eyes glazed over with more anger as he punched Ashton square in the jaw, sending the young man stumbling back a few steps, his lip now busted open. Enzo was quick to hold back the angered man.

"You don't think I don't feel shitty enough about what I said and did to her! Once she walked out of this room, I regretted it! I went to go apologize to her but she was gone. Slade then told me she left with you. I'm ashamed of my actions, Ashton but now it seems I might never be able to apologize to my daughter because she's in the hands of my most hated enemy!" Archer yelled, tears threatening to fall.

"Then why did you kill Edward's brother? That would have already solved our problem!" Ashton yelled back.

"His baby brother tried to have his way with Monica! I was out after having a little fight with her. I was walking past my room when I heard a muffled scream coming from my room. I walk in and see his hands all over her. How would you have reacted if that was Quinn he was trying to have his way with?"

Ashton became silent. He thought back to the incident that had happened at school and he realized that he hadn't acted any differently than Archer. His hand subconsciously went up to where Quinn's name was tattooed on his chest. How he yearned to see her right now, safe and sound.

Archer took Ashton's silence as an answer and replied, "You would have done the same if you were in my shoes."

Ashton nodded in agreement, not trusting his words at that moment. As he thought about what they should do now, Slade walked into the office, a laptop in his hands.

"We have a location, due to the tracker we embedded in Quinn's phone," he stated calmly, making Archer and Ashton snap their heads towards him.

Slade placed the laptop on Archer's desk and the two men walked over, staring intently at the device. On it was a map of Miami and a dark blue arrow was pointed to a location that read 'Harvey's car crushing yard.'

"Is that where Quinn is being held?" Archer asked softly, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Yes. Her phone tracker is signalling from that area," Slade replied, his face like stone.

"Get the men ready and load up. We're going in and we're getting my daughter back. We meet up in fifteen minutes outside the front yard and I'll explain the plan. Go," Archer ordered.

Slade bowed before rushing off to carry out his orders. He closed the office door and silence fell over the tension-ridden room. Archer then went over to his desk, immediately putting on a bullet proof vest.

"I'm coming too," Ashton spoke up, "Just give me a minute to gear up and I'll be ready to move."

He was about to walk out of the office before Archer spoke out coldly, "You are not going anywhere."

"And why the fuck not?"

"You're injured and you have no gear with you. You'll just be extra weight and I will not allow anything to jeopardize this mission. You are staying here."

"Quinn's my girlfriend-"

"She's my daughter!"

Ashton's breathing began to grow heavy as he tried to calm down. His clenching fists soon unfurled and his eyes slowly opened as he remained calm.

"Look, she thinks I'm dead. I will not abandon her like this. I let them take her once, I'm not failing her again. So, I'm going to gear up and you will not stop me," Ashton spoke up, slightly glaring at Archer as he began to walk out.

"You don't have any gear!" Archer called over to him.

"I have a vest and plenty of weapons in my car!" Ashton called over his shoulder as he opened the office door and slammed it shut behind him.

Archer glared at the door as he put his two handguns in the holsters. As he grabbed his pocket knife off of his desk, he saw the photo on his desk of Monica. It was still the one he had before. Her big smile glowing as she held the positive pregnancy test in her hand.

Next to that picture was one of Quinn when she was ten years old. She was smiling her first real, genuine smile after the kidnapping incident. Her dark brown hair was all messy and curled everywhere. Her grey eyes held the cheerfulness that had long since vanished. She had just gotten out of bed, still in her teal night dress with her first support dog standing happily at her side.

Archer sighed, regretting what had happened between them earlier today. He swore to himself and on his wife's grave that he was going to get his little girl back. Even if that meant losing his own life.

Quinn was his world and he needed her back.

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