Chapter 30

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"Stop touching each other like that, for fuck's sake!" Slade ordered, looking away from Ashton and Quinn.

Quinn scoffed at his statement as her and Ashton spilt apart while her father said, "I regret agreeing to this. Maybe Slade should-"

"Oh my gosh, you guys are acting like we're making out in front of you! It's just self-defense training," Quinn whined as she and Ashton got back into their fighting positions.

"But you were all over each other."

"Ashton was teaching me how to get out of a hold, dad."

As one could imagine, self-defense wasn't going too well. To both men, the idea to have Quinn practice with Asthon seemed great in the beginning. He'd never hurt her, which would allow her to get some techniques down, and they did secretly relish in the idea of Quinn giving him a good punch or two. . .or eight. However, they didn't think ahead as to how close the two would actually be during the training. Especially when she tried to get out of some holds, the positioning wasn't exactly pleasing to their overprotective minds.

It also didn't help that Quinn had on non-restrictive clothing, which consisted of skin tight leggings and a sports bra. One that showed lots of skin. It didn't help at all.

Quinn rolled her eyes as she looked over at Asthon who only shrugged in response. How they were going to get any training done with those two around was beyond them.

"Fine, let's just try dodging, okay Quinn?" Asthon suggested, making Quinn nod in agreement.

They both got into position, both men watching them closely as they began. Ashton threw in a few punches and kicks in Quinn's direction, which she either blocked or dodged. This exercise was their best bet at keeping the two men at bay as it involved barely any touching (unless Quinn blocked an attack) and they weren't very close to one another.

Quinn blocked an a punch Asthon sent her way and made to move when she lost her footing and began to fall. Asthon noticed and, in the blink of an eye, caught her around her waist.

Her cheeks heated up in embarrassment, she had literally just tripped over her own two feet, as she looked up at Ashton shyly, "Thanks, Ash. That was terrible."

"No probl- are you guys seriously freaking out because I caught her!"

Ashton glared over at the two men who seemed highly uncomfortable by the two young people being so close. Archer was even making gestures for the two to split apart and this is where Quinn had, had enough.

"Alright, get out! Both of you!"


"You heard me! You both are making training impossible and this was your idea in the first place. Now get out or I'm getting guards to force you out."

Archer merely smirked as he stated confidently, "Quinny, I'm the boss around here. No one can force me to do anything."

Quinn raised an eyebrow before calling out, "Guards!" Soon, a few of Archer's men showed up, looking worriedly at the young girl before she continued, "Please escort these two out of the training room. They're being disturbances."

Both men gasped as the men surrounded them, one mumbling a 'sorry boss' before basically being dragged out of the training hall. Quinn sighed, feeling more relaxed now as she turned to Asthon, who had a wide-eyed, shocked expression.

"Wow, you really are their weakness."

Quinn giggled at his words as she stepped forward and hugged him. "Yeah, I have that effect on people."

Her own eyes widened when she felt Ashton's tattooed hands playfully caress her exposed waist before settling around it. A light blush overtook her cheeks and she tried to hide it but Asthon was quick to stop her. His hand immediately tilted her chin, making her face him once more while his dark eyes stared down at her lovingly.

"You have no idea, beautiful."

She smiled as she leaned in closer, a playful look in her eye as she spoke, "You know, since Slade and Dad aren't here. . ."

Ashton immediately captured her lips, kissing her passionately as he pulled her closer. Quinn giggled into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck in response. Soon, the kiss began to get deeper, Ashton's tongue sliding over her lips which she gladly opened for him. His one hand went to tangle in her beautiful dark hair while the other playfully lowered, pinching her butt and making her squeal in both surprise and excitement.


"Sorry, couldn't help myself," he chuckled before placing his lips on hers once more.


Archer and Slade both moped at the kitchen island. Geneva giggled at their sour faces before going back to making lunch.

"My own men escorted me out of my own training room. All because Quinn said so. I don't know whether to feel proud or betrayed," Archer mumbled as he ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Same," Slade added.

"Oh stop being such babies." Geneva sighed as she turned, pointing a wooden spoon at them covered in marinara sauce.

"We're not babies!" Both of them denied.

With a roll of her eyes, she decided to set them straight. "Listen to me, both of you. Quinn isn't a tiny baby girl anymore. She needs to experience things for herself and with what she's been through, you know she needs some normalcy in her life. Plus, she's a smart girl. She knows not to do anything naughty or that she's too young to do. And Asthon would never force her into anything. Trust me, there's a lot worse out there that she could have stumbled upon and we must be happy Ashton is the one she chose."

Both men slightly nodded before she continued, "And, if I'm not mistaken, you two aren't saints either."

"Hey," Slade interjected, "We at least keep our shit out of people's eyesight."

"Oh, do you?" Geneva raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow before asking, "So it wasn't Archer who made love to Monica in the living room, with the doors open all those years ago?"

Archer hid his face in his hands trying to conceal his embarrassment while Slade laughed at him. But Geneva wasn't done yet.

"And what about the strip tease you did for me while I was cooking dinner a few weeks ago."

"Hey," Slade tried to defend himself while Archer stifled a laugh, "Anyone who didn't want to see could leave, which they did."

"It was still in front of people, my love."

"What so I can't please my wife now?"

"I never said that. I'm saying don't have double standards and don't force them onto poor Quinn." She gave her pouting husband a quick kiss before turning back to the food, "You especially cannot force that upon her when she's a million times better than both of you combined."

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