Chapter 21

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Quinn huffed as she swung her fist once more at the punching bag, Major curiously watching her from the side. Slade was also there, watching her train.

"Put more power into your punches, Quinn."

"I've been at this for hours."

"Don't be dramatic. It hasn't been hours."

"Sure feels like it. . ." Quinn mumbled, trying to throw another punch. This one was quite weak though and barely made the bag sway.

"Seriously, Quinn?"

"I'm tired, give me a break!"

Slade let out an annoyed sigh but, luckily for Quinn, that is when Geneva showed up. Her eyes seemed to burn while a teasing and almost cruel smirk played on the corners of her lips. A smile played on the corners of Slade's lips too and he was quick to take his wife in his arms, kissing her passionately.

"Ew," Quinn groaned, covering her eyes as she continued, "Can you guys not make-out in front of me?"

"Oh, stop acting like you've never seen a kiss before."

"When you guys kiss, it becomes more like a sex show with your mouths."

Geneva rolled her eyes as she turned back to Slade and said, "Archer wants to see you."

"What for?"

"Go and find out. I'm not your fucking P.A."

Slade rolled his eyes as he scooped up his feisty wife, carrying her out while she screamed and called him an idiot. Quinn just chuckled as she peeled off the tape from her knuckles and went over to pet Major and get some water.

After a while, she was suddenly interrupted as Ashton quickly slid inside, looking flustered and fearful. But that soon faded into a confident smirk as his eyes rested on her.

"Hey, sweetheart."

"Hey. What happened to you?"

"Well, I don't know if you'd believe me but your dad practically threatened me as he gave me a whole speech on how I must leave the training room door open and how he was sending men around every two minutes to make sure you and I aren't doing anything he doesn't approve of," Ashton explained.

Quinn giggled at his words, "No, I believe you."

They both smiled at one another, not saying much as Ashton made his way over to her. She continued to pet Major as Ashton looked around the room.

"Do you train in here often?"

Quinn just gave him a knowing look, making him feel somewhat foolish as she stated, "I'm the daughter of a mafia boss, Ashton. Having no self-defense training is just impossible."

"I guess that's true."

Ashton walked over to the punching bag, giving it a shove before going on, "Quinn, by any chance, do you still have my jacket?"

"Oh, sure. It's in my room. Let's go up and get it."

She grabbed his hand, beginning to walk out but he quickly stopped her. "Are you sure your dad won't kill me for going with you into your room?"

"Why would he?"

"Um- uh well- uh. . ." Ashton didn't know how to explain it to her when she looked at him so innocently, her grey eyes seemingly having no clue as to what he was trying to insinuate.

"We're just getting your jacket. What's the harm in that?"

Without a word, he let her lead him to her room. He was kind of surprised to see all the gaming consoles by her TV and was in awe at all her games. He allowed himself to check out her collection as she rummaged through her closet for his jacket.

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