Chapter 20

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Ashton parked outside a quaint but popular diner. It was built to look like a giant jukebox and Quinn had to admit that it was kind of adorable. While she was distracted by the cuteness of the diner, she didn't notice that Ashton had gotten out of the car until he opened her door. She smiled at his manners and reached out to take his hand but, as a sudden thought crossed her mind, she quickly retracted it.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Her bright grey eyes seemed to waver as she whispered, "I'm just nervous. I-I'm not used to this."

She awaited a scoff or some kind of discomfort to form on his face. But, as he gently grabbed her hand in his, a smile spread across his face. Without saying anything, he helped her out of the car and they walked hand-in-hand into the diner, all the while he gave her hand a comforting and supportive squeeze.

A smile seemed to creep onto her face as a waitress showed up, "Table for two?"

"Yes, please," Ashton answered, as he and Quinn followed her to a booth with a red leather couch and a round white table.

"This place is kinda cute," Quinn said, gazing around the 50s styled diner.

"Cute?" Ashton questioned.

"Well, it is."

"You're cute." he smirked, cupping his hand over hers that was on the table.

Even though it was a cheesy line, Quinn found herself blushing. It sounded like something special when specifically he called her cute.

"Thank you."

Their waitress came back, smiling widely and asked, "Are you ready to order?"

"Yeah, I'd like a large coke and the bacon burger special, please," Ashton ordered, closing his menu.

"Okay, and you miss?"

"I would please like a large Oreo milkshake and the cheese and chicken quesadillas," Quinn shyly ordered, also closing her menu.

The waitress nodded, taking their menus and walked away.

For the rest of the night, the couple talked and joked, discussing anything and everything about each other. They really had a good time.

After dinner, Ashton drove them down to the beach, where they walked barefoot along the shoreline. The sun was just barely above the horizon and was about to nearly set, giving the ocean surface a lovely golden-orange hue.

"So, are you having fun, beautiful?" Ashton asked, wrapping his arm around Quinn's waist, pulling her close to him.

"I'm having a wonderful time," she admitted, cuddling closer to his side.

"You cold?"

"A little."

Ashton carefully took off his leather jacket, putting it on Quinn's small body before wrapping his arm around her waist again.


She nodded, smiling at him, "Much, thank you."

As they continued to walk along the shore, Quinn couldn't help but stare at the ocean horizon and a small smile played on her lips. It didn't go unnoticed by Ashton.

Smiling, he bent down slightly as he asked, "Whatcha thinking about?"

"About how this reminds me of something that happened when I was little. One time, I begged my dad to go to the beach with me so that we could spend time together. I remember we walked on the beach and we kicked water at each other and built a sand castle. Ha, I even buried him in the sand."

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