Chapter 24

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A few weeks later

Quinn had just gotten to school, when Delilah and Nia engulfed her in a friendly hug. She smiled at them and they began heading to her locker. Major was happy to see them, mostly because Delilah always gave him little pats on the head and scratches behind the ear. Quinn honestly thought all the attention he received from her was going to his head. She saw Ashton standing by her locker - like always - with Jay and Tommy beside him.

Once his eyes caught on the beauty and cuteness that was his girl, he strutted his way towards her. Ashton wrapped his strong tattooed arms around Quinn's small waist, giving her a handsome smile. Seeing her almost every day was the only reason he needed to smile.

"Hey beautiful." he greeted, giving her forehead a sweet kiss.

"Hey handsome." she smiled.

"Listen," Ashton began, "Tommy is throwing a small party for just us and your friends at his place. Do you want to come?"

Quinn pursed her lips in thought. She had never been to a party before - unless you counted birthday and Chistmas parties. She really wanted to go though.

"I'll have to tell my dad where I'm going but I'd love to come." she grinned, giving Ashton's smooth lips a quick kiss before opening her locker.


Quinn had just arrived at Tommy's house with Major close behind. It was a peaceful-looking Miami beach home, only a couple of blocks away from the nearest beach. Apparently Tommy's parents were away for the week to visit his aunt. Tommy couldn't go with as he had a test coming up along with some club meet-up thing. So, while his parents were gone, he wanted to have a small party with his friends to celebrate that he had the house to himself.

They were all out in the backyard. Tommy and Alan were grilling some burger patties. Wyatt and Delilah were talking by the pool. Jay, Joey, Ashton and Nia were raiding the snack table.

Quinn looked over at Ashton, who was talking to Jay, and she headed over to him. She wrapped her small arms around his waist from behind, loving how warm he felt. It made her feel safe. Ashton turned around, grinning when he saw her. He wrapped his own tattooed arms around her waist.

"Welcome to our little party, my little lady." he smirked, pecking her kissable lips.

She giggled as she cuddled closer to him and it wasn't long before everyone else was greeting her. Though it didn't take long for Delilah to steal away Major, making Quinn giggle at the dogish smile on his face as Delilah rubbed his cute face.

"So, this is a party?" she questioned, looking around timidly.

Jay spat out his food, giving Quinn an astonished look. "You've never been to a party?" he asked in disbelief.

Quinn shyly nodded, a slight blush forming on her cheeks. Jay and Nia smiled mischievously as they each grabbed an arm and dragged Quinn to the makeshift dance floor - which was just a laptop and a Bluetooth speaker, playing a dancing songs compilation.

Jay started up a random song and the two teens practically forced Quinn to dance with them. While the two danced wildly and confidently - each actually splendid and amazing dancers - Quinn shyly just swayed to the music.

As some others started joining in on the dancing, Quinn felt large and strong hands cup her hips and swayed with her to the music. She smiled, knowing it was Ashton and turned around, wrapping her small arms around his neck.

"You look adorable when you dance," he teased, kissing her delicate lips softly.

Quinn blushed a light shade of spring pink, biting her bottom lip in embarrassment.

"Please don't bite your lip, sweetheart," Ashton softly pleaded, biting his own lip.

Quinn gave him a questioning look before realizing why he had said that. She was teasing him.

She smirked, deciding to tease him a little more. Quinn bit her lip again, giving him a mischievous smile.

"That's it."

Quinn squealed as Ashton lifted her over his head and put her over his left shoulder. She was shocked with his actions as he began to walk away from the makeshift dance floor.

"Ashton, please put me down," Quinn begged, craning her neck to look at Ashton, who was smirking slyly.

"I pleaded for you to stop but you kept teasing me, making me want you more. So, sorry my angel, no sympathy or mercy for you," Ashton replied, a teasing grin on his lips.

"Pleeeeeease Ashton. I'm sorry. Just put me down."

"Sorry baby but I have to punish you somehow."

Ashton was now standing at the edge of the pool, near the deep end. Quinn's eyes widened; she began to wiggle and struggle on Ashton's shoulder hitting his back once or twice.

"Don't you dare do it Ashton," Quinn warned, still struggling on his shoulder.

"Do what, beautiful?" Ashton questioned, trying to act innocent and oblivious.

"You know what. Don't you dare throw me into this pool."


And just like that, Ashton jumped into Tommy's crystal clear blue pool, Quinn screaming on his broad shoulder. Both of their heads went under the cool water and Quinn instantly kicked and swam back up. She inhaled a breath of crisp, cool air as she emerged above the water while the others laughed at her and Ashton.

She began taking in steady and calming breaths. Ashton emerged to the surface and she immediately hit his right shoulder. The impact wasn't very forceful since the water slowed down her punch.

"You big jerk! I told you not to throw me into the pool!" Quinn yelled at him, attempting to hit his shoulder again.

"I didn't throw you in. I jumped in with you still on my shoulder," he stated bluntly, giving her a sly grin, knowing very well that he was right.

"Shut up." she groaned, punching his shoulder once more. "I don't have any spare clothes and I'm going to be cold when I get out."

Quinn began to paddle to the steps of the pool, so she could climb out, when Ashton wrapped one of his strong arms around her waist, pulling her back to him. He turned her around to face him and then wrapped his other arm around her waist.

"I'm sorry but in all fairness you did tease me," he stated.

Quinn pursed her lips in defeat, knowing she wasn't going to get dry any time soon.

"Can you please answer me?" Ashton asked, pursing his own lips.

"No. I'm going to ignore you now. Good-bye Ashton Hunter," Quinn stated, trying to turn away from him.

Ashton pulled her closer to him, giving her a passionate kiss before pulling away. "I'm sorry, Quinn Angel Reed. Please forgive me."

Quinn gave him a sweet smile, replying, "Since you begged, I'll forgive you."

He smiled as he gave her soft, kissable lips one more passionate and loving kiss.

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