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A couple of years later

Quinn smiled as Ashton drove through the gates of her old childhood home in California. After a few years, Ashton and her had graduated and eventually got married. Ashton became the boss of both his father and Archer's mafias, after both men had retired.

As for their friends, they're living their best lives:

Delilah and Wyatt got married after high school and both got jobs in the music industry. They also have a four year old son named Matthew.

Nia went to study psychology where she met her art-loving girlfriend, Yvonne. After dating for nearly three years, they plan to get married next year.

Alan, Jay and Tommy all joined the mafia at different stages in time and all have been doing well in the more legal factions of the mob. Alan fell for a cute little blonde and Jay managed to finally settle for one girl. As for Tommy, he was currently on his honeymoon.

Not much was heard from Joey after graduation but one had only to pick up a newspaper to know how he was doing. He had taken over his father's publishing company and had been a money-making machine after that.

As for Ashton and Quinn, they have been married for some time now. Major was also doing well, he was getting quite old afterall but was living in the lap of luxury with both Ashton and Quinn in their home.

Quinn had also given birth to a beautiful baby girl with dark brown hair like both her parents, slightly pink skin, adorable chubby cheeks, and - just like her mother - cheerful grey eyes.

They lived in Miami but have now come to California to visit Quinn's father, who had moved back into Quinn's childhood home to enjoy his retirement from the mafia.

It was going to be the first time he was going to learn about and meet his granddaughter. They had wanted to tell him sooner but there had been a few complications during the pregnancy that had kept them from telling anyone much about it. When the birth had gone smoothly and their daughter was ready for long travel, they both agreed that the first person who would meet her would be Quinn's father.

As they stepped out the car, Quinn took their daughter out of the back seat and softly kissed her forehead. Major jumped out and wagged his tail excitedly as laid down on the soft green grass of the front lawn. The little girl giggled as her mother carried her towards her father, who had his arm stretched out for his beautiful wife. He put his hand on the small of her back and led her to the front door while she carried their daughter. Ashton knocked on the door and not even a minute later it opened. And there to greet them was good old Slade and Geneva.

His dark hair now had a few grey spots but it seemed that time hadn't caught up with him yet. Geneva practically looked the same except her brown and blonde hair was now much shorter.

"Hello Quinn, Ashton. Who is this pretty little lady?" Slade asked, smiling warmly at the baby in Quinn's arms.

"My daughter," Ashton replied proudly, tickling his little girl's chin.

"You mean our daughter. If I remember correctly, I did most of the work when giving birth," Quinn stated, playfully glaring at Ashton.

"She's so precious," Geneva cooed as wiggled her fingers playfully in front of the adorable baby girl.

"If you're looking for your father Quinn, he's in the study," Slade spoke.

Quinn smiled as she walked into the house, making her way to the study. Major followed after her, running around excitedly while she giggled at his actions She opened the study doors and smiled as her cheerful eyes landed on her father. He was lounging in a comfortable reading chair, reading a seemingly interesting book. His hair was also a little grey but he still kept it slicked back like always. Old habits definitely took their time to die after he retired.

"Hi dad," Quinn greeted.

Archer looked over at his daughter and smiled, setting down his book. His eyes landed on the small baby girl in her arms and his eyes widened as his smile grew.

"Is this the pretty little girl I've been waiting months for?" he questioned, walking over to his daughter and taking the little baby girl in his arms.

"She sure is, dad. We came here so that you could finally meet her," Quinn replied.

"What's her name?"


"What a pretty name."

"Her full name is Monica Allison Hunter," Quinn added.

Archer looked at his daughter with wide eyes before looking at his granddaughter. She was giving him a great big smile, her grey eyes just as cheerful as her mother's. Archer smiled, kissing his granddaughter's forehead softly.

"Such a pretty name for such a pretty girl," he whispered, smiling warmly at Monica.

"So, looks like grandpa officially met little Moni," Ashton chuckled, taking his daughter gently in his arms.

Monica squealed in joy at the sight of her father. She absolutely loved her father and Ashton loved her just as much.

"Oh, Monica is just like Quinn. A big daddy's girl," Archer chuckled, watching his granddaughter cuddle close to her father.

"Yeah, looks like mommy is just second-best in her eyes," Ashton chuckled, kissing Monica's cheek.

"And it looks like daddy is going to be spending some lonely nights on the couch," Quinn glared.

Ashton gulped with wide eyes while Archer chuckled in amusement. He took the little, baby girl in his arms and said, "Well, Monica and I will go and get to know each other while you two sort out your little quarrel."

As Archer left the study, Major following behind him to watch over little Monica, Ashton sheepishly looked over at Quinn, who had her arms crossed over her chest and an eyebrow raised at him. This made him gulp once more.

"Um. . .sorry, honey," Ashton sheepishly apologized.

"You're going to have to do a lot better than that, Ashton Fredrick Hunter," Quinn stated, her eyebrow still raised warningly.

Ashton just sighed as he slid his arm around Quinn's waist and placed his smooth lips upon her soft ones. Quinn relaxed in his hold as he deepened the kiss, his other arm also going around her waist while her hands ran through his slicked back, dark brown hair.

They both pulled away for air, "Am I forgiven now?" Ashton breathed out.

Quinn giggled as she sheepishly nodded, "Yes but don't mess with mommy again."

Ashton chuckled as he softly rubbed Quinn's stomach. "Maybe mommy and I need to get another baby. Maybe a boy this time," Ashton chuckled.

"Oh no, I'm not going through that mess again. I was in labour for almost twenty hours. And I'm especially not becoming second-best to daddy again."

"Aw, Quinn," Ashton cuddled his wife to his chest, kissing her cheek softly, "I was just joking with you. You were never second-best."

"Thanks, Ashton."

Quinn smiled warmly as the two began to kiss once more. But, as the kiss deepened, they heard her father scream from upstairs.

"How much do you want to bet that Monica left a present for her dear old grandpa. In her diaper?" Ashton chuckled, looking up at the ceiling along with Quinn.

Quinn giggled, nodding in agreement as she rushed to go help her father. Ashton stared at her retreating figure and couldn't help but smile. It was hard for him to imagine that just a couple of years ago she was so shy and now she was so joyful and full of energy. Those memories that had once haunted her had slowly seemed to vanish and she became much more cheerful. In the end, Quinn had turned out for the better and Ashton couldn't be more proud of her than he already was.

"How did I get so lucky to have an angel in my life?" he asked himself, walking out to go help his wife with their troublesome daughter.

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