Chapter 27

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A gentle breeze blew as Ashton and his friends began to set up their things on the warm sand. Today Ashton, his friends, Quinn and her friends, and her dog Major were spending a relaxing day at the beach. The boys were the first to arrive and the girls would be arriving later.

"I can't wait until the girls show up. I heard Nia was bringing her special homemade blueberry lemonade," Joey stated, eager to start the group's little get together.

"Nia really does make good drinks. Delilah is playing us her new playlist today. Get ready for some killer tunes, boys." Wyatt grinned, as he set up the beach umbrella.

"How do you know she made a new playlist?" Alan asked, giving Wyatt a questioning look.

All the boys stopped their work and stared curiously at their friend, who seemed to be uncomfortable by the situation. So uncomfortable, in fact, that he was blushing a bright hue of red. Wyatt quickly let out a curt cough before continuing with his task.

"I just heard about it, no big deal." he brushed it off, though his voice wavered a bit.

As the guys shrugged off his response, Jay groaned with annoyance and loudly spoke up, "What is wrong with you people? And you call yourselves men. You all are missing the big picture here. I mean aren't you guys even a little curious about what swimsuits the girls will be wearing?"

All the guys stared at him in wide-eyed and jaw-dropping shock. They were dumbfounded by what he had said. Except for Ashton, who seemed more enraged than shocked since Quinn was one of the girls - the one that was his girlfriend after all. Wyatt also seemed a bit peeved at Jay's words but goodness knows why.

"I mean, can't you just picture it. Nia in a hot rod red bikini. Delilah is the type to wear something that will go with her flaming hair, maybe even something a little risqué. Quinn's swimsuit will most definitely be something cute, like a frilly pink bikini with ruffles o- HEY!"

Before Jay could finish his little fantasy, Ashton grabbed his legs while Alan grabbed his arms. They began to carry him to the cold ocean water while he struggled in their arms.

"You're such a creep," Alan commented, helping Ashton swing Jay back and forth for more force.

"Come on guys, it was just harmless teasing," Jay blurted, practically pleading for mercy.

"That was my girlfriend you were talking about, you bloody idiot!" Ashton exclaimed as both him and Alan threw him into the salt driven water.

The boys dusted off their hands, heading back to the others to finish setting up. While they did that, Jay was floating in the ocean like rotten seaweed, regretting everything he said about the girls.


Later that day, the beach got a little more crowded and the boys had finished setting everything up - even a sopping wet Jay. They were all about to look for the girls when they heard-

"Hey boys. Sorry we're so late."

They all turned around to find the girls walking up to them, dressed in gorgeous swimsuits. Big smiles adorned their faces as they walked at a leisurely pace towards the boys while Major ran ahead looking alomost like a puppy.

Nia was wearing a snow white one piece, with a deep v-neck and a choker collar. Her usual hairstyle was in a more curled state but the newest addition with Nia was the girl around her arm. She was a sweet looking thing in a modest blue swimsuit, a silly smile on her face while her strawberry blonde curls bobbed with each step she took.

Delilah was wearing a black one piece, with three red buttons on each side of the swimsuit, the top having a little red streak at the beginning of it and thick black straps that went around her neck

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Delilah was wearing a black one piece, with three red buttons on each side of the swimsuit, the top having a little red streak at the beginning of it and thick black straps that went around her neck. She wore a stylish pair of red sunglasses with her outfit. Her flaming red locks were done in tight curls that perfectly framed her face and had a little bounce to them as she walked.

 Her flaming red locks were done in tight curls that perfectly framed her face and had a little bounce to them as she walked

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Quinn's swimsuit was actually quite cute. She wore a white bikini with big red polka-dots on it, the swimsuit top wasn't too revealing and had thick straps, the bottoms were almost like a boy short cut and beautifully outlined her curves. Her dark hair was put into a ponytail that lay largely curled over her shoulder.

Even Major seemed fit for the beach with a bandana tied around his neck, with an ice-cream and sandcastle pattern scattered all over it

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Even Major seemed fit for the beach with a bandana tied around his neck, with an ice-cream and sandcastle pattern scattered all over it.

"Hey." the new girl waved while cuddling close to Nia.

Nia responded to their curious gazes, "I brought my girlfriend along, hope that's okay?"

"The more the merrier."

"Whatever, let's just get this beach party started!" Delilah yelled, waving her arms enthusiastically in the air as loud music started playing from her portable speaker.


The small beach party raged on as everyone danced. Delilah and Wyatt had disappeared to get waters for everyone but still had not returned. As everyone enjoyed themselves, Quinn and Ashton were swimming in the crisp, sunset painted sea while Major splashed around near the shore.

"So, Quinn, what did you say to make your dad say yes to you coming here?" Ashton asked as Quinn gently splashed the water.

She looked over at him, smiling before replying, "Nothing much. I just asked if I could go to the beach with my friends. Although, to be honest, I said was going with Delilah, Nia, and Nia's girlfriend. I didn't really mention you or the other boys."

Ashton chuckled at her answer as she sheepishly smiled at him.

"I'm pretty sure if you did mention us, he would have thrown a fit about us seeing you in a bikini." Ashton chuckled, imagining her father's reaction. "But, I must say, you look super cute in that bikini of yours."

Quinn's cheeks began to burn with bright blush as she sharply turned away from Ashton. He smirked at her reaction as he wrapped his tattooed arms gently around her waist, placing soft kisses on her cheek.

She stiffened in surprise before melting into his touch. Quinn couldn't help but love the attention and love Ashton showed towards her. She couldn't help but love the tingles his touch made her feel. It felt amazing just to be around him, and for her, that was all she needed. It was just enough for her to love him even more.

As she began to giggle, when his kisses began to tickle her neck, they both looked up to see Wyatt and Delilah having a secret make-out session on the beach, behind everyone's line of vision. Ashton smirked in their direction and yelled out, "Having fun, you two!"

They both looked over at Ashton and Quinn - who was blushing terribly at them - as everyone giggled at the couple's secret little romance.

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