Chapter 34

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Ashton and Quinn were walking Major at a park nearby Ashton's house. It was a warm and peaceful sunny afternoon, since school had just ended two hours ago.

Major was running around, chasing butterflies and sniffing playground junglegyms, while Quinn and Ashton walked a couple of feet behind him, watching him do what dogs did. Though, he'd come over to Quinn once in a while just to check on her and let her pet him before running off again.

Both Ashton and Quinn hadn't spoken to each other since they arrived. Both were too absorbed in their own little problems.

Ashton was trying to wrap his head around who the hell this Edward guy was and why Archer shot the guy at the mention of Edward's name. He didn't want to pry but it was obvious it was something personal. Ashton was also worrying about Quinn. She hadn't acted like herself today. She kept spacing out and didn't talk much about games, books, or any of her other interests. Quinn seemed distant and he didn't like how she wasn't acting like herself.

Quinn was also dealing with her own problems. Her mind was at war with itself and it was making her think of terrible memories and it all was becoming too much to handle. She didn't want to say anything to Ashton but the night before she kept waking up from horrible nightmares, cold sweat covering her body. Major had to comfort her her so many times that she had lost count. At one point, she couldn't breathe and Major had to run off and get someone. Geneva had come rushing in and she had managed to calm down the hysteric girl. But after that, Quinn refused to go back to sleep.

Her worries also revolved around her dad. He had been really angry that morning; barely talking to her. She didn't know what had gotten him so mad but she wanted to see him all happy and fatherly again.

Ashton looked over his shoulder, noticing Quinn had stopped walking and was staring out into space. He gently took her hand and sat her down on a swing, sitting down in the swing next to her. She didn't even notice that he had moved her.

He sighed with some frustration and sadness in his tone as he spoke to her, "Quinn?"

She blinked a couple of times before looking down and then looking over at Ashton, asking, "When did we sit on the swing set, Ashton?"

"We just sat down. You zoned out again, babe," he answered, his tone holding frustration.

Quinn looked at the floor, curling back a bit from Ashton's tone. She knew she was annoying him with her frequent zone outs. But she didn't know how to explain her problems to him.

"I'm sorry, Ashton. I didn't mean to zone out. Again," she timidly replied, feeling like her apology just angered him more than it helped.

Ashton looked over at her, slightly glaring, but his gaze softened when he saw her sad face. He sighed a little before calmly looking at her.

"Why do you look so down in the dumps, babe?" he softly asked, making sure not to sound unnecessarily harsh.

Quinn looked up at Ashton, seeing his gaze soft and gentle. With just his soothing gaze, her unfazed façade began to melt. Soon, unshed tears began to flow down her delicate pink cheeks.

Ashton's eyes went wide with fear. He didn't know what was happening. Did he say something to upset her? Did he glare at her without realising it? If so, did she now think he was mad at her?

Slowly opening his arms for her, she rushed into them, seating herself on his lap. He cradled her in his arms, rocking back and forth on the swing. Quinn cuddled her face into his neck, sobbing at how comforting his touch was.

"Quinn, why are crying? Did I do or say something to upset you?" Ashton questioned, gently running his fingers through her soft hair.

Quinn shook her head as she looked up at him, her eyes red and flooded with tears; whimpers escaping her lips. "It's n-not anyt-thing y-you did, A-Ashton. I-It's just t-that I don't kn-now what t-to say t-to you," she whimpered, still crying.

Ashton scrunched his eyebrows in confusion before asking, "Say what, babe?"

Quinn wiped her eyes furiously as her whimpers turned into hiccups, as she answered, "I know you're-you're angry with me for a-always zoning out b-bu-"

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm not angry with you. I'm just worried about you. You're not acting like yourself and I'm concerned Quinn," Ashton quickly interrupted, cupping her cheeks gently in his tattooed hands.

Quinn stared into his dark eyes, holding such softness in them that it just made her feel a bit better. She finally made the decision to tell him her troubles.

"I've been having these horrible nightmares," she began, "They were about things that happened in my past. And, because of them, I barely got any sleep last night. At one point, I thought I couldn't breathe anymore. These horrible memories came flooding back because of what happened the other day and I felt so helpless like back when all those terrible things happened to me."

Ashton listened intently but he found himself pulling her closer to him. He knew something bad had happened in Quinn's past though he never really pushed the matter. Obviously, it was a very sensitive subject and he didn't want to open any old wounds. But, whatever happened made her look so broken, and in the end, it hurt him deeply to see her that way.

"Also," Quinn continued, "my dad is not himself. After yesterday he's been moody and he won't tell me what's wrong. I'm just so scared, Ashton," she whimpered, tears forming in her eyes again.

"Scared of what, Quinn?" Ashton asked, wiping away the few rebellious tears that fell.

"Of getting attacked again, Ashton. What if it happens again? And if it does, what if they have a more dangerous weapon? What if you get seriously hurt and then I lose you. I already lost my mother to a monster, Ashton. I can't lose anyone else, especially you."

Quinn began to cry again, cuddling her face into his chest while Ashton soothingly rubbed her back.

"I can't lose you too, Ashton," she mumbled, soaking Ashton's shirt with her tears.

"You won't lose me or anyone else, Quinn. I promise no one will hurt you, I'll make sure of it," Ashton spoke, tilting Quinn's chin up so she was looking at him.

He leaned in closer, close enough that his lips were hovering over Quinn's. She felt his breath tickle the delicate skin of her lips as she stared into his amazing dark eyes.

"Quinn, I love you so much. I promise I will never let you get hurt," Ashton said, leaning in so that his lips connected with hers in a loving kiss.

Quinn knew Ashton couldn't keep that promise. There just wasn't a way to keep it. But right now, she didn't care. All she cared about was that Ashton was a comforting voice, her shoulder to cry on, his love for her unconditional. She didn't care about a promise she knew Ashton couldn't keep, but just the thought that Ashton was willing to try and make that promise a reality was enough for her to believe him.

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