Chapter 23

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Ashton parked right outside Quinn's front door, followed by his friends. They all got out, with Alan and Jay getting Grant out of the trunk and restraining him with Tommy as backup to make sure he doesn't try and escape. Wyatt ran over and rang the doorbell while Joey helped Ashton get Quinn and Major out of the car and Ashon carried her bridal style into her home as the door was answered by a housekeeper.

She was in shock as she saw Quinn's fragile state, the tears rolling painfully down her delicate cheeks. Her sobs echoed throughout the house and her father, as well as Slade, rushed out of his office in alarm. Once he saw Quinn sobbing, he was instantly at her side, scooping her into his loving arms.

"What's wrong, Quinny? What happened to you? Did you do this, you little sh-" Archer yelled at Ashton but was cut off by him.

"It wasn't me, sir. I would never hurt Quinn. This bastard–" he explained as Grant was forcefully dragged in, "–tried to have his way with her. My friends and I brought him here so you can handle him. And Quinn asked me to bring her home."

Archer gasped in horror as he looked down at his daughter, cuddling her closer to him. He was going to enjoy handling this bastard that dared to put his filthy hands on his daughter. But that would have to wait. Right now, Quinn was his first priority.

"D-daddy," Quinn whimpered and Archer's heart broke.

"Daddy's here baby girl. Daddy's here." he softly cooed as he picked her up.

"Will everything be okay, sir?" Ashton questioned, concern in his tone.

"You've done well, Ashton. You and you're friends can head back to school if you like. I'll take it from here."

As he said that, a couple of guards came and began to drag Grant away as he struggled and screamed, begging for mercy. He would later learn that mercy did not exist for him.

Ashton gave Quinn's arm a gentle squeeze before saying, "I'll come and check on you after school."

With that, Ashton and his friends left and Archer carefully carried Quinn to her room. He walked in and gently lay her on her bed. Major got on the bed as well, snuggling in her arms to try and calm her and she gratefully cuddled him close to her, tears still silently going down her cheeks. Archer stared at her sorrowfully, his heart was just breaking at the sight. How could anyone do this to someone so innocent, so small, so sweet?

"Quinn, did this boy hurt you?" Archer softly asked.

She shook her head in response. Archer nodded and softly kissed her forehead as he walked out, leaving her to.

"Slade!" he called once he was he exited the room.

Slade came rushing up the stairs towards Archer. He slightly bowed once he was in front of him and waited for his instructions.

"I want you and a few other guys to go down there and teach that bastard a lesson. I'll be down soon so don't kill him. That honor will be mine after what he did to Quinn. Do you understand me?" Archer angrily ordered.

Slade nodded before he rushed off to go do as Archer ordered. Archer sighed as he stepped into Quinn's room, to see her still crying into Major's golden fur.

"Aw, Quinny. I'm so sorry." he cooed, sitting down on her bed and placed her on his lap, cuddling her close.

"I was so s-scared." she sobbed.

Archer softly stroked her hair as he said, "I know baby girl. I promise that Ashton and I will never let this happen again."

Quinn slightly nodded as she rested against her dad and slowly fell asleep.

As Quinn lay with him, he couldn't help but think of Monica. Something similar happened to her and it had broke him apart to see her like that. To see such a strong and confident woman be so helpless and scared. It was terrible.

"Let me go, you bastards!" Monica yelled, as she was dragged back into Archer's room by his bodyguards.

They let her go and Archer walked into the room, with a disappointed expression. He couldn't believe that she tried to escape, again.

"Oh, Monica. Why did you try to escape? Again?" Archer asked, disappointment in his tone.

"I wouldn't have to try and escape if you hadn't kidnapped me, you asshole!" Monica exclaimed.

"No need for such foul language, my love."

"Stop calling me that! I don't love you and I hope you burn in the pit of hell, you bastard!"

Archer just stared at her as he shook his head in sorrow. How could she not see how much he loved her?

He knew kidnapping her was a rash and stupid decision but it had to be done. Yet, obviously, she still didn't see it that way and was definitely not happy with that decision.

"I'll be back in half an hour." he informed her as he walked out and locked the room door.

He heard her bang on it as he walked off. With his head down, he sighed sorrowfully as he walked away.


Archer was walking past his room after twenty-four minutes but what he heard on the other side of the door made his blood freeze and run cold. A muffled cry sounded from the door. It sounded like Monica.

He quickly opened the door and the sight before him was blood boiling. One of his new bodyguards had Monica pinned against the wall near his bed, his one hand clamped over her mouth and the other was under her shirt. Monica had tears flowing down her pink cheeks and her sobs were muffled.

Archer lunged at the man, throwing him off of her. "What the hell do you think you're doing to her?"

The man weakly pushed himself up with his elbows as he growled out, "Well, it wasn't like she was going to warm up to you. So, why not have some fun with her?"

"Slade! Tanner! Jacob!" Archer called and the three ran into the room. "Get rid of this disgrace. Make sure he learns he can't use women for his pleasure. Then kill him."

The three nodded as they dragged the man out and Archer turned towards Monica. She looked so weak and scared. So helpless and traumatized. In fact, she looked like she would crumple to the floor at any moment.

"Monica–" before he could finish, he was cut off by Monica.

She slammed herself into him, holding him close to her. He comfortingly wrapped his arms around her small frame and she cuddled closer to him. This shocked him since she had never even layed a finger on him. But now was not the time to be happy about it.

"P-Please h-help me," she whimpered.

He instantly picked her up and carried her towards the bed. Cuddling her close to him, he placed her on his lap and softly stroked her hair. He could feel her shake with silent sobs and was quite amazed at how she was trying to keep it together. She honestly wanted to scream but she felt the need to hold it all in. It wasn't like she could really trust this man. He hadn't done anything to harm her but he still held her here against her will. Could she really trust him with anything?

But, to her surprise, he softly placed a kiss on her forehead and whispered, "I'm sorry, my love. I promise this will never happen again."

For some weird reason, it made her feel so much safer. For some reason. . .she believed him. And, even though her trust was still locked away from him, she allowed her sobs to escape as she cried into his chest, with his hand running soothingly through her short hair.

Archer woke up in a daze. He must have dozed off at some point. As he tried to get up, he realized he couldn't. Quinn was fast asleep on top of him, laying on his back. He smiled as he carefully slid out from underneath her. Archer carefully and gently tucked her in, softly kissed her forehead and walked out, leaving her at peace.

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