Chapter 9

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Archer couldn't believe what had just happened. His arch nemesis shot one of his men, kidnapped and frightened his four year old daughter, and did all of this on Archer's birthday.

His blood boiled as he rushed back inside the restaurant and began ordering his men around. "Jonathan, start tracking that car. David, you and Walt gather up the men back at the mansion and get ready. Slade, go get my guns, knife and bulletproof vest."

All of his men obediently nodded, going off to do as they were ordered while Archer nervously ran his fingers through his hair. He was so worried about Quinn. He didn't know where she was or what they were doing to her. He didn't know if they had stopped or if they were still on the road. He didn't know how scared she was or if she was crying for him. All he could think of was her terrified face as they drove off. How her cheerful grey eyes were coated with fear and had tears in them. How she called out to him, her voice cracking as fear and terror overtook it. How she used all her strength to try and get away from those men.

He felt a tear go down his cheek but he quickly wiped it away. His panicked expression was soon replaced with an expressionless and cold one. His mafia boss face.

Yes, he was a kind man but that was only around Quinn. And now that she had been taken. . .

The beast has come out of hiding.

Slade handed him his two handguns, his switchblade and his bulletproof vest. Archer quickly put the vest on under his suit blazer. Placed his guns on either side of the inside, of the blazer and put his switchblade in his trouser pocket.

Now, he was going to show them what happens when the beast can roam free.


Quinn continued to look out the window. Even though her daddy was far away by now, she was hoping that he'd appear and come rushing after the car to save her.

"Daddy?" she mumbled as more tears flowed down her cheeks.

The car slowly came to a stop and she turned to face the scary men that had grabbed her. They smirked darkly as one grabbed a hold of her arm and roughly dragged her inside the abandoned warehouse.

She cried as he let go of her and she ran to the farthest corner of the building. They all chuckled darkly at her as she pushed her back against the wall and slid down into the corner.

She whimpered as one of them came up to her. He bent down in front of her shaking body and reached out to her. She rapidly shook her head as tears poured down her cheeks. Quinn had never been more terrified in her life. She didn't want to be here with these men. She wanted to be back home with her daddy.

Just as the guy was about to grab her, a dark voice called out to him, "Leave the girl. I'll let you do whatever you want to her later. It's first my turn."

The man backed away from her and another man appeared in front of her. He had hazel hair that was neatly slicked back and even had matching hazel eyes that were menacing with no warmth emanating from them. He had a strong build, as if he exercised on a regular basis and was a tall man around Archer's height. While his features were hard and tense, the carefree smile on his face made it seem as if he had not a care in the world.

However, even with that sickly sweet smile adorning his lips, a dark aura surrounded him as he looked down at Quinn. He stared at her as if he was ready to squish her like a bug. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes and a quiver on her lips, knowing that even though he smiled, he wasn't there to help.

"Who you?" she asked, her voice soft and small as it shook with fear.

He darkly chuckled as he kneeled down in front of her, his one leg bent to the floor while the other was bent up, his arm casually resting on it.

"My name is Edward," he answered, his menacing smirk not leaving his lips once.

"Why am I here? I want daddy," Quinn whimpered.

"Aw, sweetie. Your daddy is the reason you're here."

He softly stroked her cheek and she cried out a little more at how rough his hand felt. His touch felt cold, nothing like the gentle touch of her daddy. In fact, it scared her and she tried to move away from it.

"Your daddy has made me very angry. I thought taking you would show him just how angry I am," he hissed, his touch swiftly leaving from her cheek.

She whimpered at his tone as he stood up and stepped away from her. She stared at him, somehow knowing that wasn't the end. Something deep inside her little body shook with fear as the Edward guy nodded to the men and disappeared from view.

'Please help me, daddy.' she thought as they all stared at her with dark amusement in their eyes.


Archer loaded his guns and placed them back in his blazer. Him and his men had tracked the car to an abandoned warehouse. He gritted his teeth in anger as they silently stopped a few feet away from the building. They all got out as quietly as possible and made their way inside. Him and his men hid behind a corroding wall as Quinn's screams and cries echoed through the building.

"NO, PLEASE GO AWAY! PLEASE! DADDY! DADDY, HELP ME!" she yelled and he could feel his blood boil over in anger.

Not wanting to hear her painful and heartbreaking cries anymore, he ran out and across the room to a doorway. He hid behind the rotting wall next to it and he could hear his little girl's cries coming from the room.

"DADDY!" she yelled and his heart nearly shattered.

"Your father isn't here, you dumb bitch! Now, quit your crying and take your punishment like a woman!" a random man's voice yelled at her while other voices laughed and darkly chuckled.

Archer peeked into the room and his eyes widened at the sight. Quinn was laying on the filthy floor, crying her eyes out while she her arms covered her head, trying to protect it as her small body shook violently. A man stood over her with a whip but luckily no injuries or marks were on her delicate body. About five other men were also surrounding them, laughing at his daughter's fear.

He took his other gun out as he heard the man with the whip say, "Alright, enough mental abuse. Time to move on to actually whipping the shit out of her."

Archer stepped out of his hiding place and shot all of the men in the head, instantly killing them all. Except for Quinn's attacker. He decided to shoot him in the shoulder. He had extra special plans for him.

He looked over at Quinn, who was staring at him in shock. Her eyes were red and puffy as endless tears continued to run down her delicate cheeks.

"D-Daddy?" she whimpered.

He put away his guns as he ran over to her shaking form, carefully picking her up. He held her close to his chest, cuddling and kissing her as he fought back his own tears. His men, who had watched their boss in amazement at his quick work, ran in and started to clean up while Slade quickly walked over to check on the two.

"That piece of. . .that thing that's still alive on the floor," he pointed to Quinn's attacker, "Torture him and make him suffer until he begs for death." he commanded darkly but also made sure not to let Quinn hear him. He didn't want her to hear him speak so darkly, she had been traumatized enough tonight.

Slade nodded, glaring at the piece of trash as he walked over and dragged her attacker away. Archer watched, his fury almost at explosive levels at the mere sight of the man. He decided to look away and focus his attention on the quivering form in his arms.

"Quinn, did they hurt you?" Archer asked, once his men were gone.

"N-No. I-Is it r-really you, d-daddy?" she asked.

"It's me, baby girl. Come on, let's go home," he gently said as he walked out of the warehouse.

'No one takes my little girl and gets away with it. But where is Edward? That son of a bitch must have left when that shit head began to mentally scar my baby.' he thought as he walked out, getting in the car with Quinn clutching on tightly to him.

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