Chapter 2

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It was a lovely morning, the bright Califorina sun high in the crystal clear blue sky. Archer was sitting in the kitchen with Quinn by his side, feeding her chocolate ice-cream to relieve her teething pain while she sat in her highchair. He smiled as she took the last bite of the ice-cream, her cute face twisting into one of joy. He softly pinched her chocolate-smeared cheek, earning a giggle as he placed the bowl in the sink.

He saw her slouch in her seat as she let out a large yawn for such a tiny girl. He chuckled at her, picking her up as she rubbed her tired little eyes. She lay her head on her father's shoulder while he held her close. He walked into his room and headed inside the bathroom. He grabbed a face cloth, wetting it slightly and began to clean her face.

"You got chocolate all over you," he chuckled as he finished up and laid his sleepy little girl in her crib, "Beddy time," he cooed, carefully placing her Winnie the Pooh blanket over her small figure and placing a ladybug pacifier in her mouth.

She sucked on the pacifier for a bit while her eyes slowly closed and she drifted off to sleep. Archer waited for a few seconds after her eyes closed, just to be sure she was fine, and then walked out of the room. He closed the door behind him and began to make his way to his office, taking the baby monitor with him. He opened his office doors and didn't bother closing them as he seated himself at his dark mahogany desk, in his leather office chair. As he busied himself with important paperwork, one of his maids softly knocked on his door.

"Yes?" he asked, not looking up from the pages.

"Sir, Mr Elrode is here. He said that you had important business to discuss with him," the maid softly replied.

He looked up, giving her a small smile, "Please, would you escort him here to my office?"

"Yes, sir." She quickly bowed before heading out to fetch his guest.

Archer sighed as he put the papers aside for later before grabbing the weapon forms he needed for his meeting with Mr Elrode. As he neatened the pages, Mr Elrode strutted into the spacious office.

Archer looked up at him, his mafia observation habits kicking in as he examined the man's features. He had neatly styled blond hair and bright hazel eyes. His skin perfectly tanned and was contrasted nicely against the grey suit that he wore along with his shiny, black brogue shoes. He also had an expensive looking gold watch perched on his left wrist while he carried a white leather briefcase in his right hand. Mr Elrode stood in front of Archer's desk and he stood up, both of the men shaking hands and then sitting down in their seats.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you in person, Mr Elrode," Archer began, breaking the silence.

"Nice to meet you too but please, call me Louis," Mr Elrode stated.

"As you wish, Louis. Now, shall we talk business?"

"Yes, what is it that you wanted to discuss?"

Archer sighed and placed the weapon forms in front of Louis and began to explain, "Those are documents and a list of weapons that I need. I have a big shipment deal coming in next week Friday and I need these weapons before then. The cargo on that ship is not important to you, all you need to know is that it is important to me."

"Understood, I could have these in by next week Tuesday if you would just-" Louis was cut off when the baby monitor went off, Quinn's loud cries echoing through the monitor's speaker.

Louis stared curiously at the monitor while Archer groaned.

"Sorry, that's my daughter," he explained, pressing a button under his desk, summoning for one of the maids, one appearing almost immediately.

It was Geneva, one of his long-time housekeepers and Slade's wife. She had an interesting mix of brown and blonde locks in her hair and she had been loyal to him ever since he took over the mafia. He was somewhat relieved to see that she had appeared as she was one of the few people inside the house that he trusted with Quinn.

"Yes, sir?" she asked.

"Take the monitor back to my room and take care of Quinn while I just finish up my business here," he ordered, holding out the monitor for her.

She nodded as she shuffled over, taking the baby monitor from him, "I will do so, sir."

"Thank you, Geneva."

She bowed to him before rushing out to care of Quinn.

Archer cleared his throat before speaking, "Sorry about the interruption. You may continue."

"No problem. As I was going to say, would you just tell me when I can expect payment?" Louis continued.

"On the same day my weapons are delivered. That is how I work."

Louis nodded, carefully placing the stack of papers in his briefcase before setting it down, "We can discuss a price later over the phone. Until then, is there anything else you would like to discuss?"

Archer was quick to shake his head, "No, that was all I needed from you."

Louis nodded before both men stood up, heading to the door. Just as Louis was about to open it, it suddenly slammed open and a maid appeared with Quinn in her arms.

"Wilma, why do you have Quinn? Where's Geneva?" Archer asked confused.

"She had urgent duties to do in the kitchen, sir so I took over from her for a while. But sir, Quinn won't stop crying and I tried everything to make her stop. I didn't know what else to do so I came to you, sir."

Archer stared at her then at Quinn, who was silent and smiling with mischief. It was obvious she only wanted one person with her.

Her daddy.

He sighed as he took Quinn from Wilma's hands and gestured for her to return to work. The timid woman merely nodded as she left the room.

He looked over at Louis, who stood there wide-eyed from the situation. Archer sighed as he added, "I'm again truly sorry. My daughter is quite the handful."

Louis chuckled and waved it off. "It's alright, my twins are the same. The only difference is that they are both seven-year-old boys."

"Nice to hear. Hope everything goes well for you."

Archer turned and saw one of his maids and quickly called her over, "Emily!" She rushed over and nodded while he continued, "Please escort Mr Elrode outside to his car."

She nodded and motioned for Louis to follow her. Before he left he turned around and said, "Thank you and good-bye, Archer," he then looked over at Quinn, who giggled at him. He patted her head softly before adding, "Good-bye, little miss Quinn."

She giggled at him again as he followed the maid out. Archer then glared playfully at his daughter, who began to yawn and he sighed, knowing she didn't even try to nap.

"You and I are going to take a nap, missy," he said in mock sterness.

She only yawned in response and he chuckled as he went up the flight of stairs, into his room. He lay on his black, cotton sheeted bed, lying flat on his back. He laid Quinn on his stomach, her tummy flat against his and she almost instantly fell asleep. He breathed out a chuckle, amazed at her stubbornness that she sadly inherited from him, before closing his own eyes and fell asleep with Quinn lying on his stomach.

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