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Archer stared lovingly at his beautiful wife, Monica as she sat in the study, fascinated with the book in her hands. The morning light seemed to caress her delicate features. He couldn't help but smile at her. To him she was perfect. Short and straight, golden blonde hair. A cute button nose. Plump pink lips that were practically begging to be kissed. His most favourite of her features were her big, cheerful grey eyes that seemed to always be bright and radiating enthusiasm. Her body was also quite petite, to him anyway (she was actually a little taller than the average woman). But, best of all was her big, round tummy that was carrying his baby. She was already far along into her pregnancy and soon would hit her due date.

"Are you planning on staring at me the whole day, Arch?" she teasingly asked as his gaze shifted to her face, that was now staring at him with an adoring smile.

"I wish I could," he sighed, mocking disappointment as he walked over to her, "but sadly, I have to go and collect money from some asshole." He walked behind her and leaned down, softly kissing her cheek.

"You won't be gone long, will you?" she asked, turning to face him with a pleading expression.

"I'll try my best, my love. After all, my wife comes first," he smirked, giving her lips the passionate kiss before heading out of the study. He quickly halted his movements, just remembering something, and turned to gaze at her from over his shoulder, "Don't forget, you have an appointment with Liam in half an hour."

She sighed, her grey eyes practically rolling to the back of her head as she said, "Liam will come fetch me as usual. He is your personal doctor after all."

"Still I want results when I get back," he warned and she playfully glared at him.

"Understood, daddy. Now go before that guy dies from old age from you just standing here."

"Whatever." Before he walked out, he gave her one last glance over his shoulder while his smile softened, "I love you, Monica."

"I love you too."


While Archer was gone, Monica stayed seated and continued reading her book. Being married to a mafia boss gave her all the adventure she'd ever need in her life but there was always something about a good book that truly fascinated her. However, her enjoyable reading was interrupted when a small kick thumped against the inside of her tummy. She smiled as she placed the book on the small table next to her and began rubbing her tummy, making her baby kick more.

"Calm yourself, little one. You ain't on the soccer team yet," she giggled as she softly stroked her big baby bump.

The kicks seemed to lighten up after that, almost as if the baby took the words to heart and Monica chuckled at the thought. Though all she really wanted was to finally hold her baby in her arms.

A knock came to the door and she called, "Come in."

The door silently squeaked open and Liam strutted in, "I just came to tell you that your appointment is in just a few minutes," he said, seating himself on the comfy chair across from her.

"Thank you, Liam."

Monica went back to rubbing her tummy and Liam smiled at the scene.

"You are going to be a wonderful mother," he stated and she giggled.

"Thank you, Liam. That was-" her words were cut off as guards yelled from all corners of the house while gunshots rang all throughout it.

"Stay here," Liam commanded as he rushed towards one of the book cases near the study doors. He knew for a fact that some guns were hidden there. If he could just-

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