Chapter 41

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It had been a week since the attack and things were somewhat normal once more. Granted, both Asthon and Archer were healing from their wounds but it was nothing compared to poor Quinn. The torture had left her in critical condition and Liam was working overtime to keep her comfortable and on the road to recovery. However, as of now, she had luckily not suffered from any infection and Liam had given everyone the all-clear to come and see her.

Naturally Archer was the first to visit along with Major. They both practically smashed down the door to get into the recovery room, making both Liam and Quinn look over at them worriedly. Quinn smiled at them, a wide grin in her face, while Liam only glared.

"I know you're excited to see your daughter, sir but she is still recovering so please keep the noise levels down," his eyes slowly roamed over to Major, who happily sat next to Archer with his tongue laying lopsided out of his mouth, "I normally wouldn't allow animals in right now but I'll make an exception. He's absolutely not allowed on the bed though."

"Understood, Liam."

Quinn pouted at their words as Liam left the room while her father and Major walked over. Major leaned his head onto the bed, allowing Quinn to pet him while Archer gave her forehead a gentle kiss before sitting down, on the seat next to her bed.

"How are you feeling, my darling?" he asked softly.

"I'm still very sore but the doc has me on painkillers and he says my back is starting to heal properly like it should be. So, I guess I'm okay. . .ish."

She giggled at her own joke but, when she didn't hear anything from her father, she looked up to see tears forming in his eyes.


He softly grabbed her hand, running his thumb along the pale knuckles as he spoke, "I'm so sorry, Quinn. I never meant to drive you away and I really never meant for you to get captured and. . .and tortured. Can you ever forgi-"

Quinn didn't allow him to finish, somehow able to jump up and wrap her arms tightly around her father. "I know you didn't mean to and I'll always forgive you. You're my father, my family."

He hugged her back, careful to not touch her back before laying her down wiping the tears from both their eyes. She smiled up at him, holding his hand close to her while they sat in comfortable silence.

It didn't take long to be broken as Asthon came flying into the room, a bouquet of pink roses in his hands. His worried eyes scanned the room, finally landing on Quinn. Her smile grew as she saw him, a happy squeak escaping her lips. Archer however looked at him as if seeing a dead fish in front of him.

Major barked happily, running over to Asthon. Ashton grinned at him, giving his ears a good scratch.

"Hey, Major. You being a good boy?"

Major barked once more, as if trying to answer while Slade boredly walked into the room a while later. Slade had wanted to check on Quinn later but that didn't seem to be working out so well for him right now.

"Ashton is here to see Quinn," he announced, a slight smirk on his face when he saw his friend's unammused expression.

"I can see that, Slade."

The man chuckled, tilting his head playfully to look at Quinn, giving her his best grin, "Hey, sweetheart. Me and Geneva are going to come check in on you later, okay?"

"Okay, Slade."

He winked at her before turning to Archer with a unknown look in his eye. Archer sighed before waving him off.

"By all means, leave us for your wife."

"With pleasure," he turned on his hills, starting to unbutton his shirt as he mumbled, "She's wearing the black set today. . .and my blood is pumping."

Everyone's eyes widened in the room, Archer's especially. He immediately jumped up and began chasing after his friend, yelling out, "I'm going to kill you! You can't say things like that in front of my daughter!"

As both men were now finally gone, Asthon grinned as he took the seat next to Quinn, laying the bouquet down on her side table. She smiled up at him, her grey eyes somehow gleaming cheerfully as he took her hand in his.

He placed a gentle kiss on it before looking over at her, "Hey, Quinn."


"How are you doing?"

She pouted, hating that question, "I'm fine! Can we please talk about something else?"

He chuckled at her, giving her hand another kiss as he spoke, "Okay. How about making date plans once you're allowed to leave the house?"

A grin overtook her face as she giggled out, "Oh, I'd love that. We can go and have a redo picnic, maybe?"

"Or maybe go to next month's Horror movie festival?"

Ashton laughed loudly at Quinn's horrified expression. She pulled the blankets up to cover her face as she mumbled, "You're awful."

"Aw, Quinn," he sighed as he pulled the blankets away from her adorable face, leaning in close, "I don't care what we do as long as I do it with you."

She smiled at that as he leaned in more, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. She reacted back, wrapping her arms around his neck. To not hurt her back, Asthon just placed a hand gently against her cheek, running his thumb along it soothingly.

As they pulled apart, he was quick to say, "I love you, Quinn."

"And I love you, Asthon."

They leaned in once more, their lips almost touching when a shout at the door stopped them. There stood Archer, a look of horror on his face.

"Why would you do that!"

"Dad, it was only a kiss."

"No more hospital visits for Ashton!"

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