Chapter 3

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Archer chuckled as Quinn squealed with joy. She splashed the bath water again and bubbles poofed around her. She squealed again flapping her arms around in the air with a wide smile on her face. He gave her a mischievous grin as he placed a pile of bubbles on top of her head. She looked up at him in delight as she reached up, playing with the suds in her dark hair. Archer then put his hand in the water, checking the temperature and feeling that the water was quite cold now.

"Time to get out, angel," he stated and a sad expression appeared on her face.

"Don't be sad, Quinny."

He picked her up and placed a kiss on her damp forehead and that seemed to keep the smile on her face. After picking her up, he wrapped a soft white towel around her tiny body and then drained out the bath water. He began to gently dry her and clean all the bubbles off of her. When she was finally dry, he put on a fresh diaper for her and then put a pretty pink onsie.

Once she was dressed, he walked downstairs, into the living room. He then placed her down on the black carpet, in front of the soft red fabric couch and she crawled over to her toys. He turned on the TV, putting it on her favourite show, My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. She stared at the screen in awe before giggling at the pink pony that bounced all over the place. Archer wasn't too sure of it's name. Pinkie Pine? Pinkie Pee? Pinkie P- something.

As his daughter giggled at the show, Archer sat himself on the couch leaning his head back and closing his eyes. Maybe he could sleep just for a little bit, he thought as he slowly began to drift off to sleep. But, a tap on his head woke him up and his dark brown eyes met the dazzling blue ones of his mother. She glared at him, her sapphire-like eyes intense and seething, and he knew full well why she was upset.

"Why do you even think of sleeping when your daughter is around?" she questioned, confirming his thoughts as he sat up.

"Hello to you too, mother," he grumbled.

"Don't get smart with me," she argued.

She walked over to her granddaughter and lifted her up in her arms, placing granny kisses all over Quinn's small face, making her squeal with joy. Whenever Archer's parents came to visit, he knew it was so his mother could spoil Quinn. He couldn't really blame her as his mother had a difficult enough time trying to get pregnant in her younger days and, with Quinn being her only grandchild, it was not that much of a surprise.

"Hello, Quinn. It's Nanna," her grandmother cooed.

A throat cleared behind them and they turned to find Archer's father standing in the open hallway. He was a big man but there probably wasn't an ounce of fat on him. Anyone would see him as fearsome and intimidating. However, Quinn squealed and made happy babbling sounds at the sight of him.

"No one cares about Pop-pop anymore," he groaned as he walked over to his wife, taking Quinn into his arms and placing a small kiss on her forehead.

She giggled trying to pepper kisses on him as well. However, all the little girl succeeded in doing was putting spit all over his cheek.

"What are you two doing here?" Archer asked as they cooed and snuggled Quinn.

They had visited a week ago. They had both spoiled Quinn enough in that time so it was a little irksome to see them back so soon.

"We heard you were dying of exhaustion so we came over to watch Quinn, while you take some well needed rest," his mother explained, setting Quinn down on the carpet and she went back to watching her show.

"How did you. . .Slade told you, didn't he?" Archer sighed as his mother happily nodded and he made a mental note to kill Slade later, "Don't worry about me mom. I'm f-" Archer was cut off by his mother.

"And don't you dare give me that 'I'm fine' excuse. Now get your sorry butt in bed and get some rest."

He sighed, feeling like a little boy once more as his mother continued to scold his stubborn behavior. He got up going over to Quinn, who was still watching her pony show, but she immediately gave all her attention to her father as she smiled at him when he kneeled in front of her.

"Daddy's going to have a little nap now, baby girl. Be good to Nanna and Pop-pop," he cooed as he placed a soft kiss on her forehead. He then headed to his room for some rest.

Quinn stared at her father as he climbed up the stairs and then went back to her cartoon show. She felt strong hands pick her up and placed her on a lap. She looked over to see her grandfather or - as he liked to be called - her Pop-pop. She smiled at him and he smiled back. After staring at each other for a few seconds, she went back to watching her show.

As she watched Pinkie Pie do her bouncing and then Rainbow Dash fly around Ponyville, her grandmother - or Nanna - sat next to her grandfather and they began to talk.

"If only Monica were still alive, she'd make Archer's work load a lot easier," she sighed.

He nodded at his wife's words and looked down at Quinn, who was clapping her hands at something the purple pony did as he stated, "I have to admit, he has changed ever since she was murdered. But there is nothing we can do to change that."

"But I worry. He just isn't the same. He doesn't trust easily, he won't let anyone near Quinn unless he trusts them or if they live in the mansion, he hardly ever leaves the house. I'm just worried about him and how this could affect Quinn in the future."

She placed her head on her husband's shoulder while Quinn laid back, leaning against his stomach. They all shared a silent moment as if even Quinn understood the situation they were in.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. We just have to hope for the best. I know you worry but we must stay supportive and help where we can." He gently patted his wife's hand and she sighed before nodding as Quinn giggled at the ponies on her show.


Archer woke up and the first thing he did was grab his phone, to check the time. He had to rub the sleep out of his eyes before he could see anything and he noticed he had slept for a good two and a half hours. Heaving out a tired sigh, he got up, going to the living room.

When he got there, he saw Quinn in her highchair with his mother in front of it, trying to feed Quinn. Both of them were covered in baby food and his father was laughing his head off on the couch. He knew that his father's laughter was a bad decision and he was proven right as his mother turned around, a deep glare upon her refined features.

"Oh, I suppose you want to try and feed her?" his mother warned his father and he immediately shut up. "That's what I thought."

She turned back to face her granddaughter and lifted the spoon to her mouth. Quinn instantly smacked it out of her hand and it landed on her white blouse, staining it even more.

"Please eat, baby girl. You haven't eaten anything since daddy went to bed," his mother begged and he decided that she had suffered enough.

"Hello Nanna, daddy's back," he chuckled mischievously, thoroughly enjoying his mother's dismay as he walked in and Quinn instantly reached out for him.

He grinned as he took the baby food out of his mother's hands and began to feed Quinn, who ate like a good little girl - as if her poor grandmother wasn't covered in mushed up peas and carrots. His mother stood there dumbfounded.

"What the heck?" she groaned and sat on the couch pouting.

"I think it's time we went back home, Sarah. Good-bye son," his father announced quickly, trying to save the situation as he led his sulky wife out of the mansion.

Archer chuckled as he stared at Quinn, who was also covered in baby food. "Looks like it's bath time for you again," he sighed and Quinn squealed with joy, clapping her small hands. "And of course, you don't mind." he chuckled as he fed Quinn a bit more before he went to bathe her.

And let's just say, she had loads of fun with the bubbles.

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