Chapter 40

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Archer, Ashton and the rest of Archer's men ran into the car crushing yard, each surrounded by darkness as they all spread out. Silently, they hid behind dusty cars or crushed stacks of scrap metal. Archer and Ashton hid themselves behind stacks of soon-to-be-crushed cars, their breaths silent and their eyes fixed on a small metal workshop. It was the only place where Quinn could be.

Slade hurriedly rushed towards them, being as quiet as possible to not alert any of the enemies. He stopped at Archer's side, staring cautiously at the rusting metal walls of the workshop.

"I have men fanned out around the area, they'll be taking care of any unwanted attention. The only people that are going in to rescue Quinn, are you, me, Ashton, and about ten other men," Slade informed Archer, his voice in a hushed whisper.

Archer curtly nodded as he held his gun firmly in his hand. He made his way over to a stack of crushed cars, getting closer to the workshop. As he did, he could hear muffled screams coming from inside. They were faint but there was no denying who they were from.


He felt his anger growing with every agonizing scream. But the only thing he could do was try to suppress it. If he charged out into the open, blinded by rage, he would most surely get shot at. Archer had to control his anger, for the sake of his daughter.

Just as he was about to rush closer and hide behind another pile of scrap metal, a bullet flew past his head, just missing him.

"Intruders!" one of Edward's men yelled out, his gun aimed to where Archer was hiding.

Ashton quickly aimed his gun and fired. The bullet pierced through the man's chest and he collapsed to the floor. Blood began to form around him as more of Edward's men began to show up. They all began to aim and fire their guns, a plethora of bullets shooting in every direction. Archer's men began to shoot as well, firing back at the enemies.

Archer began to shoot as well, fueled by his rage and need to get his daughter back. However, his concentration soon disappeared when his dark eyes locked with sadistic hazel ones. He hardened his gaze, glaring blazingly at the scum that he locked eyes with.


Archer slipped into the shadows, escaping to the side lines. There, he would have ample room to be able to kill Edward. But, as soon as he emerged from the darkness of the shadows, Edward was no longer there. He was caught off guard for a moment before a hard force slammed into the side of his face. He staggered back in shock before focusing on the force that hit him.

Edward stood before him, a wide grin on his face. He looked like a Cheshire cat, with a grin that could rival that of the fictitious character. Archer couldn't help but glare in hatred and disgust.

"This isn't how you play the game, Arch." Edward tsked, wagging his finger mockingly. "You are supposed to wait until your pathetic daughter is dead. But, if you wish to witness her agonizing final moments then by all means, take a seat and enjoy the show. But, just a fair warning, once she's lifeless, you're next."

Edward spoke with such enthusiasm that you could have sworn he was talking about a new toy he gotten for his birthday instead of talking about murdering two people.

"The only person whose final moments I will witness is yours, Edward," Archer spat.

Edward's gleeful grin dropped as he glared at Archer, all traces of his joy gone. "Well then, hit me. That is, if you think you can " Edward spoke, his tone challenging Archer to prove his words wrong.

And Archer was gladly going to take on his challenge.


Ashton shot at two of Edward's men, a bullet hitting one in the chest; another hitting the other in the stomach. They both collapsed to the floor as Ashton made his way to the side lines. He hoped he could sneak past all the men and get to Quinn but stopped when he saw Archer and Edward in a heated brawl. Both punching and kicking with such fury and strength.

Archer managed to land a blow, kneeing Edward right in his ugly gut. Edward grabbed the back of Archer's neck and swung him away. This made Archer topple to the ground and roll roughly into a stack of crushed cars.

As Archer tried to get up, the stack of cars fell, burying him under them. As the dust settled, Ashton stared in horror as all he could see were the rusted heaps. No sign of Archer anywhere.

Ashton began to make his way to the collapsed stack, hoping to be able to get Archer out alive but a shot fired and hit him right in his injured shoulder. He held his bleeding wound as he fell to the filthy floor. Ashton looked up at one of the car crushers. At the very top was where Edward stood, a maniacal grin stretched across his face. He looked gleeful, like a powerful rush had just passed through him; making him want more.

"Back from the dead I see. We will soon remedy that." His grin seemed to widen as he pointed his gun menacingly at Ashton, "Any last words, boy?" he called out, firing his gun again and a bullet landed in Ashton's other shoulder.

Ashton grunted in pain, holding his other wound as he glared furiously at Edward. "Fuck you!" Ashton spat.

Edward chuckled as he aimed his gun at Ashton's glaring head, pointing it at his forehead.

He was about to shoot when someone punched him in the side of his face. He dropped his gun to the ground and stumbled into the car crusher.

Edward glared but his eyes widened at the sight of Archer.

His dark hair was a mess, lip busted and holding onto his (most likely) injured arm. Archer glared as he walked over to the car crusher's control box, his bruised finger hovering over the button that would make the machine start crushing.

"You will fucking pay for this, Archer!" Edward spat, his fists clenching in rage.

Archer's eyes softened as he pressed the button and said, "Sorry my old friend but your brother had it coming and no one messes woth my family. Good-bye, Eddie."

The crusher enclosed and Edward's screams were muffled by the loud sounds of the machine. Archer then got off and ran towards the workshop.


Quinn shook at the sound of rushing footsteps coming from behind her. She didn't know how much more of this she could take. But soon, tears of joy cascaded down her cheeks at the sight of her father stepping in front of her. He was badly injured but still had the strength to smile at her, tears welling up in his own dark eyes.

He helped her out of her restraints, watching as she collapsed in his arms in pain and exhaustion. Her back looked like something out of a horror movie and dried blood covered her arms and was pooling by her shoulder. But, even in her pain, she could only smile as she hugged herself close to her father. He carefully picked her up and carried her out of the room of horrors, with her head on his chest and his arms around her.

"You're here. . ." Quinn whispered, a small smile on her face.

"Yes baby, I'm here," he whispered, kissing her bruised forehead.

As they walked outside, Quinn's grey eyes landed on Ashton, who was busy getting his shoulders bandaged.

"He's alive!" she cried out in joy.

Ashton looked over at the sound of an angelic voice calling out to him. His dark eyes met Quinn's tearful grey ones. He sprang to his feet, rushing over and swooping her gently into his loving arms.

"You're alive!" she repeated, crying happily into his chest.

"There was no way in hell I was leaving you," he sighed, clutching onto happily, running his fingers carefully through her messy, dark brown hair as his lips connected with hers in a passionate kiss.

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