Chapter 28

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Quinn sighed as she pulled at the hem of her PE shirt, looking at the powder blue material with distaste. The colour wasn't what bothered her, it was the lesson. She preferred self-defense training with Slade over volleyball or team exercises with a bunch of uncoordinated girls. Also, Major wasn't allowed to be near her, since at least two people in the class were allergic to dogs. So he had to be kept on a leash by the bleachers. Quinn was still allowed to go over and pet him when she felt anxious or stressed but she preferred her fluffy buddy right next to her. Having him by her side just gave her that extra bit of comfort to survive the loud and disorienting setting.

It's not like she couldn't function without Major, there had afterall been places where he was not allowed to go with her. However, sometimes things became too much for her, and she'd start having an attack or break down, and just having Major close enough to pet was just sometimes all she needed.

She also didn't like the whole changing in the bathroom thing. All the girls would get naked and all would then comment on how good they looked or that they wanted to lose weight. Whatever the case, Quinn felt only discomfort from it. She found that it was better getting changed in a stall just to avoid all the looks.

She stood half-listening to the coach's instructions while she looked over at Ashton, who was on the other side of the field. Girls and boys were kept seperate from one another during PE so she didn't really get to spend a lot of time with him but she didn't really mind it, it was just nice knowing he was there.

Her head snapped up when a whipping sound rang in her ears. One girl was skipping rope, then another girl started, then another.

Quinn's breathing started to become a little erratic as she stepped away from the ever growing whipping sounds. She didn't like this. In fact, her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest as the fear consumed her. Thoughts of men surrounding her filled her head and, with the men, came that awful whipping sound.

"STOP!" Quinn's tiny voice pleaded as another whip lash landed just next to her hand. Just a few centimeters was all that stood between her small body and a huge wave of agony.

"Shut up!" One of the men yelled and another whip lash landed, this time close to her head.

She shrieked, jumping a little in fear as a tear slid down her cheek. She had tried to runaway just moments ago but one of the men had grabbed her and brought her straight back. Even though they weren't hurting her, that horrible sound was all that was needed to send her to the floor, wrapping her arms protectively around her head as the tears continued to flow and the fear grew worse and worse.

The main man chuckled, causing a shiver to run down her spine. That man had allowed them to do this to her. To a little, four year old girl. He had personally handed over the whip and had even encouraged the men to yell out profanities and other ugly things at her.

Even though this leader had no whip and had no physical part in what was happening, he scared her most of all. He had the power to change the series of events happening at that very moment and even she knew it. Even though she had not known of the mafia yet or of the even more terrible things they were capable of, she somehow understood that this man could change everything and make it all worse.

Quinn fell back on the ground, her butt and lower back jolting with pain but she didn't seem to notice. The sound of the whipping and the laughter of those horrid men filled her ears and she couldn't breathe straight as she clamped her hands over her ears to try and get rid of the sound.

She could barely hear the concerned gasps and questions. Major's bark was like soft blurs of white noise as nothing but terrible memories and feelings clouded her mind.

She felt as if she was about to pass out when a pair of strong arms scooped her up and ran her over to Major. She immediately clung to him as he softly licked her face and did a comforting technique he was taught to do in situations like these. Quinn wasn't really processing it though as her fingers ran through his soft fur, her thoughts only focusing on that.

After a while, Quinn found herself being escorted away from the field by someone but her mind could not stop and let her understand what was happening. She was looking right at them but she could not process their face. In the end, she found herself in the cafeteria when the fog in her mind finally cleared and Ashton's soft, sympathetic face was what greeted her.

"Hey. . ." she whispered, a little confused as to how they got to the cafeteria but didn't say anything more.

"Hey sweetheart," he softly spoke, his tattooed hand slowly closing over hers in a comforting squeeze.

He noticed as her other hand reached out to pet Major once more and the dog rested his head on her lap for an easier reach. It was a little sad to see the girl he loved, the girl who always seemed to smile so sweetly at him, look so broken and lost. She looked fragile as if she would break if you so much as poked her.

"I'm-I'm sorry." The words slipped out without her really meaning to say them.

In the end she never got a reply from Ashton. All he did was hold her hand in both of his, placed a soft kiss upon them and they both sat in silence, him just letting her calm down.

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