Chapter 32

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Quinn and Ashton had just arrived at her home. Ashton's father, Quinn's father and Slade were busy questioning the attacker - and most probably torturing him for answers.

While Asthon was seated on her bed, Quinn silently emerged from her bathroom with a first aid kit in hand; Major worriedly stumbling behind her. She was silent as she cleaned up the small scratch on his arm and Asthon couldn't help but worry. The tears may have dried but her eyes were red and puffy, and the cheerfulness he had grown to love in her sweet grey eyes had disappeared, leaving them looking sad and dull.

He hated seeing her so sad. And, once she was finished, he pulled her into his chest and this seemed to make the tears start up once more.

"Please don't cry, sweetheart."

"I'm sorry." Her voice sounded broken as she tried and failed to stop her sobs.

Major quickly hopped up on the bed and began to lick her face, trying to comfort the crying girl. Both Asthon and Quinn giggled as they pulled apart and allowed the worried dog to do his job.

After a while, the couple were now cuddling on her bed, Ashton's arms wrapped protectively around her small body. One arm was around her shoulders, giving one a comforting squeeze. The other was around her waist, softly rubbing gentle circles on her hip. Major lay at the foot of the bed, watching silently and waiting to spring into action if Quinn started crying again.

They all sat in a calm silence but Ashton was slightly worried about Quinn. He had every right to worry though. Quinn was experiencing horrors inside her mind. All she could think of was that day, twelve years ago. The fear Edward and his men made her feel, the loud sounds of the whip and their maniacal laughter, it was scarring. And, what would have happened if Asthon had gotten seriously hurt. All her training, all those self-defense lessons, and she ended up freezing like an idiot.

"Quinn, are you okay?" Ashton worriedly asked, staring into her dull grey eyes.

Quinn looked up at him, his dark eyes holding concern and worry. His genuine concern made her heart flutter with joy. How did she get so lucky to have him in her life?

"I'm just shaken. I mean, that guy came out of nowhere and he had that knife and. . .and. . .I just stood there like a helpless idiot while you protected me. You could've gotten hurt and I just. . ." Quinn couldn't finish. All she could do was bury her head in shame.

Ashton chuckled at her worry as he softly pulled her closer, placing a couple of kisses on her head for good measure. "Quinn, you've never had to actually use your training before. Of course you're going to freeze up. I've had a lot more experience than you and I pray you never have to experience those same things. I'm fine, Quinn."

Quinn timidly nodded, not bothering to argue with Ashton. She cuddled closer to him and slowly closed her eyes, falling asleep almost instantly.

Ashton smiled warmly at Quinn's sleeping face, admiring her soft features. Her pale pink lips in a slight pout, her long dark lashes. She looked so innocent and peaceful in that moment. Ashton softly kissed her lips as he continued rubbing soft circles on her hip.


Archer punched Quinn's attacker in the gut harshly. The attacker coughed, sounding like a broken vacuum cleaner at this point. The attacker's arms were chained to the ceiling, his feet just a few centimetres off of the cold cement floor. Black and blue bruises covered his body, with a busted lip here and a cut on his cheek there.

"Who the fuck sent you?" Archer growled, glaring bullet holes into the guy's head.

"Go fuck yourself." the guy spat.

Archer's blood boiled over the edge as he punched the guy again, only ten times harder. Slade then kicked the guy across the face, equally as hard as Archer. Then Enzo - Ashton's father - gave a painful uppercut to the attacker. Enzo was pretty pissed that the guy had injured his son.

"Fucking talk you piece of shit! That was my daughter you attacked! So, if you want the slightest chance of staying alive, fucking start talking!" Archer exclaimed, losing his calm demeanour.

The guy just spat bloody saliva in Archer's face, not caring about his harsh threat.

Just as Archer was about to lose his shit, the door of the torture room softly creaked open and Ashton appeared. He looked so different from his usual self. That cool and friendly look in his eye was completely gone; replaced with a deadly and emotionless glare. If Quinn had seen him now, she probably wouldn't have recognised him.

"May I take it from here, sir?" Ashton asked, stepping closer to the little group, his eyes still deadly and murderous.

Archer curtly nodded, his expression like stone as Ashton stepped in front of the attacker. He didn't glare, he didn't growl, he just stared coldly and emotionlessly into the attacker's eyes.

Then, like a sudden flash of lightening, he punched the attacker square on the jaw. The guy groaned pain as he spat out blood, most likely biting his tongue.

"Who sent you?" Ashton coldly asked, not raising his voice - which made him even more frightening.

The guy shook a little in fear but quickly shook it off. He attempted a glare at Ashton but once he saw that emotionless look in Ashton's eyes, he instantly looked down at the cement floor he hovered over.

Ashton ran his fingers through the guy's hair gently before pulling harshly, making the guy look straight into his eyes. The guy's eyes widened in fear when they met Ashton's, who was now holding the guy's knife in an intimidating way.

"Who sent you?" Ashton repeated, his tone cold and calm.


Ashton glared slightly at the guy as he stabbed the blade right into his shoulder. It didn't take long for the guy to scream in pain. He was quick to talk after that.

"Edward Hayes sent me, alright! Edward fucking Hayes!"

Ashton and Enzo just nodded, glad to get information. The same couldn't be said for Slade and Archer. Slade stared at the guy in disbelief, not really taking in the words that were spoken. Archer was just shocked. He heard the words that were spoken, he took them in but he didn't want to believe them.

Archer's rage reached its limit and he took his gun out from under his suit blazer, aiming it at the guy's head. Without thinking and with no regrets, he shot the guy right in the middle of his head.

The guy's body went limp, making Asthon and Enzo stand there in disbelief,  looking over at Archer who was fuming with rage. He breathed heavily as Slade rubbed his back comfortingly, trying to calm him down before he did something else he might regret. Enzo and Asthon continued to stare in disbelief, since Archer had just killed the guy that could have given them the answers to all their questions.

"Fucking Edward. It just had to be fucking Edward," Archer mumbled angrily to himself.

The other two men furrowed their brows, unsure of what was going on. Did he know this Edward guy? More importantly to Asthon, what did this Edward guy want with Quinn.

"Calm down old friend. Everything will be fine." Slade soothed, still rubbing Archer's back comfortingly.

Archer just coldly shrugged his hand off as he walked out of the torture room, loudly slamming the door behind him. It was deadly silent, neither man daring to speak. Archer looked back at the lifeless body as worry started to set in.

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