Chapter 37

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"Where are we going, Ashton?" Quinn asked, curiosity finally taking its toll on her. She wasn't entirely better yet but she didn't really want to think about had happened anymore.

Ashton smirked as he replied, "Can't tell you that, babe, but I can tell you that we're going on a picnic."

"Sounds yummy." Quinn giggled.

"You bet it does. I got all your favourite foods and drinks packed for us."

Ashton drove on for a little while longer before he stopped on the side of the road, near a secluded beach. Quinn carried the blanket and Ashton carried the basket as they walked hand-in-hand up a small hill.

Once they reached the top of a somewhat steep hill, Quinn gasped, cupping her hands over her mouth, at the beautiful view that was in front of her. The hill overlooked a whole beach. It's sand golden and it's ocean so beautifully blue.

Ashton chuckled, knowing that, that was going to be her reaction as he laid out the blanket and unpacked the basket. Quinn giddily sat down next to him, her smile wide and happy.

Just the way he wanted it.

"Here, have a grape, "Ashton said, offering one to her.

"Don't mind if I do." she giggled.

Ashton then took out his phone, putting it on selfie mode. "Smile Quinn," he said, placing his arm around her shoulders.

She leaned her head on his shoulder, giving the camera a toothy smile as Ashton took a picture of them. They both looked at the picture and smiled in satisfaction.

"This is going up as my lock screen," Ashton declared, doing all the required settings for it.

Quinn giggled as she took his tattooed hand and held it out in front of them, making their hands join into a heart shape.

"I'm making this my lock screen." Quinn giggled, snapping a quick photo with her phone before putting it away.

Ashton smiled as he pulled her closer to him and she cuddled into him, enjoying his presence. He sighed in contentment as Quinn lay her head on his shoulder, making him softly kiss her head. They were sharing a beautiful and peaceful moment and Quinn smiled, finally having some peace after weeks of worrying.


Time passed as the couple stared at the gorgeous golden, peachy pink sunset. The colours of the sky manipulating the ocean's colour, making it go from wonderous blue to golden-orange. Quinn had her head resting on Ashton's lap while his fingers gently stroked through her hair. It was absolutely peaceful. The peace was something that they both needed right now.

The peace was soon disturbed when Ashton suddenly blurted out, "Oh, I almost forgot! I got a new tattoo."

Quinn sat up, staring at him with curious eyes. "What is it? A skull? A snake? A skull with a snake in it?"

"No, nothing like that. Just something simple," Ashton replied as he lifted his shirt.

Quinn gasped as she saw it. On Ashton's chest was her name tattooed in beautiful, curly lettering. A peacock feather was used to underline it and the 'i' had a small heart on it. Quinn smiled at the beautiful tattoo. Out of all the ones that littered his hands and arms, he got a new one just for her.

She was about to say something when a dark voice said, "How touching."

The next thing they knew, Quinn was pulled away from Ashton, two strange men holding her back. Ashton grabbed his gun - that was hidden in his jeans' waistband - and prepared to aim. But, more men began to appear and it was just too many for Ashton to handle by himself as well as try to save Quinn unharmed.

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