Chapter 36

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Quinn stood in front of her father's office door. She stared longingly at it. All she wanted was for him to come out and smile that happy-go-lucky smile of his, giving her forehead a kiss before leading her somewhere where they can spend quality daddy-daughter time. But, it didn't seem like that was going to happen any time soon. Not unless she did something about it. Building up whatever courage she had, she rose her fist and softly knocked on his office door.

"Go away, I'm busy," her father's voice called from the other side, sounding frustrated and angry.

She softly knocked again before softly saying, "It's me, dad. It's Quinn."

"Go away." his voice repeated, sounding irritated as well now.

She took in a deep breath before hesitantly walking into his office. It was just as beautiful as his old one. It was big and beautiful paintings lined the cinnamon coloured walls. Book cases were stacked with many books while her father's desk sat right in front of a glass door that led to the back garden.

She closed the door behind her and as soon as she turned around, something hit the wall right next to her head. Letting out a surprised yelp, she looked down, noticing a tape dispenser.

As her heart hammered in her chest, Quinn looked over at her father, who had his arm out in front of him, an irritated and angered expression on his face, showing that he had thrown the tape dispenser. She tentatively placed her hand over her unsteady heart, trying to gulp down her fear as he continued to stare her down.

"I said, go away. I'm busy, Quinn," he growled before bringing his focus back to his work.

She shakingly approached his desk, a small, trembling smile on her face. He slightly looked up at her, a seemingly never-ending glare upon his gaze. She was slightly intimidated by him but she continued to push on. This was her father, he could never hate her.

"Dad, you've been in this office for weeks. I'm sure your just dying to get out of here. So, I was thinking we could go watch a movie together or go for a walk or-"

She was cut off when her father suddenly stood up and growled out, "What part of 'leave me alone' and 'go away' do you not understand, Quinn?"

"Everything," she timidly answered.

Archer groaned as he glared at his daughter. She really had no clue what was going on and it was just angering him more.

"Quinn, just leave. I have work to do, papers to sign, meetings to arrange and a bunch of other useless fucking duties to organize and sort out. So please leave me alone and go play with your stupid dog or something," he answered harshly.

Quinn stared at him in disbelief before allowing a small tear to fall. That wasn't her father. It was someone unknown to her. And wherever her real father was, she wanted him back.

"M-Major isn't stupid a-and y-you're not being r-rational. C-Come on, d-dad. Let's just b-both try to be calm and sort this out together," she stuttered, trying hard not to cry.

"You really don't fucking get it, do you Quinn?" her father exclaimed, angered by her ignorance.

"Get wha-"

"I'm busy and you're standing here, fucking around when I obviously don't want you around right now. I'm trying to sort out my mafia and here you are making my job and my life a whole lot worse right now."

Quinn whimpered as she realized he was back to his old self. Cold, distant and tempermental. Like a switch had been flipped. She really didn't like where this conversation was going.

"What do you want me to do, dad?" she asked, silent tears going down her pale pink cheeks.

"Just leave me alone! That will already solve all my problems!"

She rapidly nodded as she rushed out, slamming his office door behind her. She then rushed upstairs, to her bedroom and slammed her door shut flopping on her bed and began to cry. She sobbed in her purple, 'I heart my music taste' pillow and held it close to her burning cheeks. That man was a monster; definitely not her father.

Not her loving father. Not her hero. Not her comfort. Not her role model. A monster is what he was now.

Major came in, his ears standing at alert. He noticed Quinn's crying form, he immediately rushed over and began to try and calm her. However, this wasn't something his training could solve. He could help her calm down, he could be her comfort, but Major could not mend her broken heart.

Quinn continued to sob as she tried to sit up, her heart aching. She needed to speak to someone, someone who actually cared for her in this moment. Looking over at her nightstand, she immediately grabbed her phone and called the only person she could trust now.

"Hey, cutie. I was just about to call you," Ashton's soothing voice answered on the other end.

"A-Ashton," Quinn whimpered, more tears falling as she lay on her back, clutching her pillow close to her chest. Major quickly lay by her side, whimpering at her broken voice.

"What's wrong, Quinn?" Ashton asked, worry in his tone.

"My dad and I had a fight. He said that I must leave him alone. I can't be in this house right now, Ashton. Can we please go out today and may I stay over at your place for a couple of days until he cools off?"

"Quinn, I don't-"

He wanted to refuse. Even if they did have a fight, Ashton wasn't sure how well Archer would take it if he found out Quinn had decided to stay with him. It all seemed too rushed and improperly planned. But, as her broken voice cut through his cell phone, he felt his resolve leave him.

"Please Ashton. I'm begging you."

There was silence for a while before Ashton sighed in defeat and answered, "Fine, I anyway wanted to ask you to go out with me today. Pack a bag for a few days and I'll pick you up in fifteen minutes."


With that said, Quinn hanged up and changed into a simple outfit. A plain black tank top, dark jeans and a pair of black ankle boots with no heels. She then packed a duffle bag full of clothes and other necessities.

Once she was sure she had everything, she walked out while putting her phone in her front jean pocket. Major let out a whine and she stopped to stare back at him. He looked confused and saddened. With a sigh, she bent down so that he could run into her arms and some tears ran down her face.

"I'm sorry Major," she softly cried as she cuddled the dog to her chest, "But you  can't come with me. I love you with all my heart but Asthon has nothing for you at his place. Geneva will watch over you while I'm gone and. . .if, if things get worse, then I'll take you with me." She got up, grabbing her bag and giving Major one last head rub, "Good-bye buddy. Be a good boy, okay?"

As she came downstairs, her eyes caught on her grandparents, who were enjoying a relaxing afternoon tea in the back garden. She just sighed, not having the heart to say good-bye to them as she headed towards the front door.

She was about to go out the front door when she heard her dad's office door open. Quinn looked over in hope, praying to see her dad walk out and being his usual self. But it was only Slade.

"Quinn, what's wrong? Have you been crying?" Slade asked concerned.

Tears fell down her cheeks as she walked out of the house. A small smile graced her lips as she saw Ashton standing there, with his arms wide open. Quinn immediately ran into them as he helped her get in the car and drove off.

"So, are you okay?" Ashton asked, worriedly looking over at her.

She smiled slightly but it didn't quite reach her eyes. Asthon took that as the only answer he needed. With a slight smile of his own, he reached out his tattooed hand and gently held her smaller one. This brought Quinn a small bit of comfort, calming her mind.

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