Chapter 12

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Quinn groaned as sunlight shown through her glass balcony doors and the bright rays landed right on her face, making it a rude awakening not only for her but for Major as well. She slowly sat herself up with her hand blocking the natural light from her vision. She was finding it difficult to adjust to the new time zone, especially when it had only been her first night, but she had tried to manage it as best she could.

She sleepily got out of bed and sluggishly walked to her walk-in closet. She grabbed a basic red hoodie as well as a white shirt, plain jean shorts, black socks and her favourite pair of red Converse high tops.

She quickly got dressed in her chosen outfit before combing out her dark brown hair, putting it up in a neat ponytail so that it wouldn't fall in her face. After that, she packed her school things in her grey leather shoulder bag. Slinging it over her shoulder, she did a once over in her full body mirror, that was on the door of her walk-in closet. It was sometimes hard for her to tell if she looked decent or not as her mind made her feel too vulnerable to actually comprehend how she looked. However, as she petted Major's soft head, it became somewhat easier for her to focus and she nodded at her appearance before making her way downstairs, Major not too far behind.

As she reached the last step, her dad had just come out of his new office and looked over at her. He smiled at her and she slightly smiled back. She didn't like staying mad at her dad so she simply ran up and engulfed him in a hug, which he returned.

"I'm guessing you slept well?" he chuckled.

She nodded and he led her to the dining room, where bacon, scrambled eggs on toast and glasses of orange juice waited for them. He helped her into her seat, both smiling at one another as they ate in comfortable silence. While Archer read the news on his phone, Quinn snuck down a few bits of bacon for Major to munch on. She wasn't comfortable with the idea of him only getting dry kibble all day and tried her best to give him some meaty treats every now and then.

After a while, she decided to speak up, "Dad, are you dropping me off at school today?"

Her father sighed as he placed his knife and fork down and rested his chin on his intertwined hands, "No Quinn, Slade is dropping you off. I promise I'll drop you off for the rest of this week but I have some things to take care of today," he explained, in a sorrowful tone.

She looked over at him, narrowing her eyes in suspicion as she raised an eyebrow, "What things?"

"Mafia things."

She breathed out a laugh as her hand reached out to feel Major's fur. She didn't like being out of the loop in his life. He didn't like to involve her in his mafia business, saying she was better off trying to lead a normal life. However, her life was anything but normal and it frustrated her to be left out when it constantly surrounded her.

"Typical," she stated as she placed down her utensils and stood up, leaving the room with Major wagging his tail behind her.

"Quinny!" he called but she just continued upstairs to her bedroom.

She quickly brushed her teeth, put her phone in her hoodie pocket and then went out to find Slade. It didn't take her long as she saw him come out of his room. However, his hair was a ruffled mess and it wasn't hard to miss the hickey prominently displayed on his neck. She didn't point it out though as they walked out, Slade getting into the SUV. Quinn had to first get Major ready, attaching his leash to the blue bandana he had for a collar. Slade then reversed the car out of the garage and then stopped, waiting for Quinn and Major to get in. She climbed into the backseat, making sure Major was comfortable beside her as Slade began to drive down the driveway.

Quinn looked back at the house, seeing her dad out by the entrance, waving good-bye to her. She slightly smiled, unable to stay mad at him as she waved back. She noticed him grin, glad to see her wave back and this made her smile a little more.

Man, she really was a daddy's girl.


They soon arrived at her new school and Quinn stiffened at the sight of it. The realization soon set in that this was a new school filled with people she wouldn't know or recognise. It was a little unnerving to say the least and she gripped onto Major's collar for support.

"Have a great first day," Slade smiled, not noticing her nervous demeanour as he handed over her lunch box.

She took it from him and was about to get out but hesitated. He raised an eyebrow at her before he noticed her tight grip on Major's leash. The dog however didn't seem to mind as he sat close Quinn, a sort of smile on his face as if happily waiting for her next move.

"Quinn?" Slade questioned, a hint of concern in his tone.

"Why'd we have to move? I don't know anyone here," she mumbled.

He chuckled at her shyness as he said, "You'll be fine. And remember, it's not as bad as you think."

She glared at him as she stated, "This is a modern high school with modern teenagers so it is all that bad but. . .I'll try my best."

He gave her a slight smile which she returned as she opened the door and got out of the car, Major hopping out after her. After getting a firm hold on Major's leash, she closed the door and Slade drove off, leaving her and Major on their own.

All eyes fell on her as she tried to casually walk into the school with her head down and her dog close to her side. This really was torture for a girl who was shy and hated attention from unknown people. She reached out quickly so that Major could nuzzle his nose against her palm for support as she tried to ignore the curious stares.

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