Chapter 38

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Quinn's heavy eyes slowly opened. At first it was only darkness until the dim lighting illuminated the room she was in. Cold, rusting metal walls and dirty, cement floors greeted her, with two dim lights lighting up the horrid room. She looked down to see only the tips of her toes were touching the freezing floor. Her eyes widened seeing her feet bare - since she was very sure she had, had on black ankle boots. She looked up, seeing her arms chained together above her head, the chains connecting to the ceiling. She tried to scream but realized that duct tape was over her mouth.

Her blood ran cold with fear and she began to breathe heavily. She began her muffled screams as she struggled profusely in the chains, trying her hardest to get loose. She only stopped when she heard a dark chuckle sound from behind her and chilling fear crept up her spine.

"Now that you're awake, the fun can begin," Edward chuckled, stepping in front of her vision, "Well, it won't be fun for you but it's definitely going to be entertaining for me."

He ripped the tape off her mouth, making her yelp in pain. Tears flowed down her pale pink cheeks and sobs hiccupped out of her mouth.

"Any last words before I start with my entertainment?" Edward questioned, grinning like a child on Christmas.

"Why are you doing this? Why do you hate my father? Why did you kill my mother? Why did you mentally scar me as a child? Why did you kidnap me again? Why did you kill Ashton? Please, tell me why you are doing this?" Quinn sobbed, pleading Edward for the answer.

Edward's smirk dropped and his face turned emotionless as he leaned closer to her. "Do you really want to know why?"

"Yes," she whimpered, staring into his cold, hazel eyes.

He placed the strip of duct tape back over her mouth before he answered, "Your father and I used to be the best of friends, brothers almost. But I had a real brother, my younger, baby brother Max. When I got older, I inherited the mafia and my baby brother needed a little help with being a bodyguard." Edward spoke with such loathing as he walked towards a small table, lined with torture tools.

"So, naturally I asked my best friend to help guide my little brother. He accepted Max, even though he had your mother to deal with. You see, she wasn't exactly fond of him back then." Edward walked back towards Quinn, a small carving knife in his hands, the metal glistening dangerously.

"After about a month of Max working for your father, I got a call from one of my men saying they found my baby brother. Dead." he looked up into Quinn's eyes, hate the only emotion in his own.

"He was so badly beaten that I had to do a DNA test just to know if it was my own brother. Of course, I immediately went over to Archer's house and do you know what he said? He said he tortured and killed my baby brother. He said it right in my fucking face with no regrets!" Edward exclaimed, bringing the knife closer to Quinn's face, who was sobbing with fear.

"I made him suffer by killing that shitty wife of his. You were supposed to die with her but sadly you lived. I then kidnapped you, wanting to do to you exactly what Archer did to my baby brother but, once again, you lived," Edward then smirked sickeningly, "But I managed to mentally scar you, at least."

He placed the knife on Quinn's quivering arm and slowly glided it down, a trail of blood following it. Quinn screamed in pain and began to sob and struggle more.

"Now, I'm going to finish the job myself. I'm going to torture you for a few days until I get bored of you. Then, I'm going to kill you and leave your fucked up body at you father's front door. He will suffer, just like I suffered, and then I'll kill him when he feels the exact amount of pain I felt."

Quinn cried as he glided the knife over her other arm, then stabbed it into her shoulder. She screamed in pain as he pulled it out and walked over to the torture tool table again. She looked down at the cold cement floor, tears falling as she hated how this was actually happening to her.

"Remember this amazing little tool, Quinn?" Edward sadistically and happily asked.

She looked up, seeing a long black whip in his hands. Her eyes widened in fear as he walked behind her and lifted up the back of her black tank top.

The next thing she knew, the loud sound of the whip against skin sounded through the room. Pain blossomed in her back as she screamed, nearly breaking her voice. It was the most painful and agonizing thing she had ever felt. The pain was indescribable. It was even worse than the stab wound she had been given mere seconds ago.

"Aw, did that hurt, Quinn?" Edward questioned in fake sadness, although his smirk said he already knew the answer to that question and he seemed overjoyed about it.

Quinn sobbed as she shook her head pleadingly. She was practically begging Edward to stop this pain. This agony. This suffering. This madness. His smirk only grew at her reaction as he walked over to the torture tool table once again. He grabbed the carving knife that was coated in Quinn's blood, with the whip still firmly in his hand, and he walked behind her again.

He made a cut across her back where the whip had hit her and it was horrible. Quinn screamed in agony, shaking her head even more. It was the very meaning of torture and she just wanted it to end. Edward then whipped her again and made another cut where it had struck her back. He enjoyed the sounds of her muffled screams and agony-ridden sobs. It made his sadistic smirk grow.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. Only twenty-eight more whips and cuts to go and then we can rub some salt in your freshly made wounds. Oh, I can't wait to hear what sounds you make when I start with that." Edward darkly chuckled while Quinn just cried.

She cried in pain, knowing this wouldn't end anytime soon.

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