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Misaki's P.O.V.

"I accept." Misaki stated, a look of determination in her eyes as she stared at Mikey. His lips upturned into a smile, and she found herself sending him one back.

"Hooray! Now we will get to see you even more!" Smiley then shouted, before jumping over to her and squeezing her in a tight hug. She chuckled at his childish antics and hugged him back before he could be pried off by Draken, held up by his collar. He pouted as Draken walked off with him and Misaki snickered at him.

"Congratulations, Misa." Mitsuya then noted, patting her shoulder softly, a soft smile gracing his lips. Misaki nodded at him. "Thanks, Mitsu." She responded, unintentionally calling him by his nickname. 

Old habits die hard...

Pah-Chin was silent, but patted her shoulder and nodded in acknowlement. She nodded back to him and sent him a small smile. She remembered he wasn't the best with words unless he was worked up, so she didn't mind his lack of them.

"I guess you're our boss now. What do we call you, mistress or some'thin?" Baji responded, one of his trademark fangs sticking out as he smirked towards Misaki. She glared at him and rolled her eyes, already beginning to again get used to his teasing of her, which he so enjoyed to do, especially when Mikey was around.

"Misaki is just fine, pervert." She stated, turning her head away from him and slightly pouting.

He snickered at her response and tousled her hair. "I'm just mess'in with you. Proud of you. Last time you'll hear that from me." He noted while crossing her arms and sending her a soft smile. It disappeared rather quickly though and was replaced by his signature smirk. 

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks Baji." Misaki retorted back, while combing through the hair he just disheveled. She sent him a small smile, enjoying their banter, and then turned towards Draken and Mikey, bowing in front of them.

"Ah, thank you for the opportunity. I'll do my best." She managed to mutter out, feeling a bit embarrassed from all the attention. 

"No need to be bow'in to us, Misaki. You earned your place here, even without Mikey's recommendation. There was no one else we considered."

Misaki straightened up and felt the slight tingle of a blush appear on her cheeks.  

"Er...well, either way, thank you." She voiced. Draken nodded and smiled, before turning to discuss something with Mitsuya. She noticed everyone was also conveniently grouped up, and she internally felt herself sweat drop at this. 

That just left Misaki standing here alone. 

Well, with Mikey.  

Alone with Mikey.

She inwardly slapped herself in her face, unsure why she was still feeling so awkward, but attributed it to the fact that Emma basically told her he cares about her more than a friend. She must have been too oblivious of it in her youth to notice, too worried about other things, but looking at it now, with memories of her past flashing by, it was pretty obvious. 

That's why that asshole was always mocking and teasing me...

She thought while sending a glare towards Baji. He must have felt her eyes on him because he shivered and looked over his shoulder to see her staring at him. He eyed her, looked at Mikey, and turned his attention back to her before smirking YET AGAIN, and returned his attention back to Smiley and Pah-Chin.

Misaki sighed, and decided to take the bull by the horns.

"So you recommended me, huh?" She asked, sending a small smile towards Mikey, who had been awfully silent.

Now and Then: A Second Chance (Various! Tokyo Revengers Characters X OC)Where stories live. Discover now