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A/N: Thank you to Mira1164 for all the recent votes! I hope you enjoy this chapter! 

Misaki's P.O.V.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" Misaki grunted to herself through panted breaths. She was sprinting as quickly as she could towards the north parking lot, but there were still so many crowds to go through. 

I'm glad I wore my boots today...

As she continued to run, she realized she hadn't heard from Mikey yet. He had told her he was planning on coming by eventually, but she wondered if he knew what was currently happening. 

She whipped her phone out of her pocket, scrolling through it and clicked onto his number.

"Come on, pick up..." She muttered, squeezing through some more crowds, garnering shouts from those around her. 

It rang and rang and rang, and there was so answer.

"Fuck!" She yelled, hanging up and putting it back in her pocket. She stopped for a moment then to take a quick breather and to see her surroundings.

I shouldn't have much farther to go...

So she kept running and running, until the crowds were finally thinned out. As she came closer to the parking lot, she noticed a lot of people in white.

"Moebius? The hell are they doing here...I thought that incident was finished...could it be this was the actual conflict Osanai from the future was telling Takemichi?" She huffed to herself. 

She shook her head and pulled off the sash that was holding her yukata on, letting it drop off of her onto the ground. As she continued to run towards them, she heard the familiar sound of a bike honing in on the group of people.

Mikey's bike! I'd know that exhaust sound anywhere! She thought while smiling slightly to herself. As she got closer, she could make out a couple members in black.

Must be Mitsuya and some other Toman members? 

Huffing, she pushed herself to her limit and quickly closed in on them.

"Mitsuya!" She shouted, garnering his attention. He turned slightly to see her coming.

"Misaki! Perfect timing." He stated. He had a slight smirk on his face, but Misaki could see from his eyes he was worried, which likely had to do with the conversation Mikey was having with Pey at the moment. 

She looked around and noticed Draken seemingly half-passed out on the ground, covered in blood, she quickly made her way over to him, squatting down to his level. 

"Draken! Are you okay? Where are you bleeding from?" She hurriedly asked, looking him over. He laughed before it was cut off by a cough followed by blood. "Looks like twenty people is my limit, Misaki. I think it's mostly from my head...but I feel wobbly so who the fuck knows." He slurred out slightly. 

Her eyes widened at his slurring words, concern etched all over her face at his dreamy-like expression. "Hey, take it easy, everything is going to be okay, alright?" She murmured. She then looked over to see Takemichi and Emma a little ways back, and she motioned Takemichi over.

"You can explain everything to me later, but right now, if things get as bad as we think they will," she starting, sending a look to Takemichi she hoped he understood.

"...I think it's best someone calls an ambulance right now. With these crowds, it took me so long just to run here. Draken's going to need some help, he's definitely concussed and I think he has some internal bleeding."

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