'Tis the Season...right?

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Christmas Eve

Misaki's P.O.V. 

The last two days with Tetta had been...difficult. Ever since the argument they had gotten into, not to mention the realization Misaki came to, it was tense. They hadn't spoken much at all. However, she stuck to her word. Despite it being uncomfortable and downright unbearable in some moments, she made sure to stick to his side. Not just to protect him. No, that was only a part of it. Her true motive was to keep a watchful eye on him, to see if he gave anything away that would show or tell her that he was a traitor.  At this point, she needed to see it with her own eyes. 

Clicking her tongue, she stopped in front of the café they both currently stood in front of. It was silent, which had been the norm for most of today and yesterday. However, she needed to break that silence. At least, only for a moment.

"They said 5, right?" She asked, taking a glance at her watch. It was currently a couple minutes to, so she was hoping Chifuyu, Takemichi and Hanma would get here so she could leave. She had Christmas Eve plans to attend to and she didn't want to be late. Plus, Tetta's dark mood and aura was becoming extremely suffocating, so that was reason enough to want to dip out ASAP.

"Yes." He simply answered, before adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose. A soft sight left her lips in response and she looked around for the familiar figures that should be there any minute now.

Her eyes widened slightly and a small smile appeared on her face when she noticed a familiar blonde undercut and light green eyes.

"Hey, Chifuyu!" She shouted, sending a wave in his direction. His head turned towards her voice, and upon noticing her, he smiled back. 

"Surprised you guys made it here before us." He commented, Hanma lazily following behind him. Misaki furrowed her brows and looked around, confused.

"Where's Takemichi?" 

Chifuyu came to a stop in front of her while Hanma moved to stand at Tetta's side.


"I guess he had something to do with Hina, so he's running a little late." 

She hummed in understanding and nodded.

"Alright. Well, I've got to go, so I'll leave this one with you." She commented, pointing a thumb over towards Tetta. "Keep an eye on him." 

Chifuyu nodded, and not a moment later, Misaki took her leave. She ignored the piercing eyes she felt on her back, to which she knew belonged to Tetta. 

Tightening her jacket around her to warm herself, she glanced at her watch.

I should get there in less than thirty minutes...

I should get there in less than thirty minutes

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