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That night...

Misaki's P.O.V.

"...I see." Misaki stated lowly, as she placed another band aid on Takemichi's cheek as he laid on his bed to rest after their little meeting with the Black Dragons. He had only just recently woke up after being knocked out, and the first thing he did was recount his latest journey to the future and all it entailed.  It included the important factors that effected Manjiro and Toman the most - Tetta Kisaki and the Black Dragons.

"Well, I don't know how I feel about the marriage part, but, I'm glad that I'm still trying to help someway in the future. Well, in that one, at least." 

She found herself frowning as she thought over everything he had told her for what was probably the tenth time.

"I'm sorry you had to see something like that, though...that you had to see Chifuyu..." 

Placing one last band aid on his face, she brought her hands to her lap, clenching her fists. He then went rigid at their friends name and his eyes began to water. 

"I think...I think he knew that you were trying to help. I also think he knew I'd make it out of there, given Kazutora's help, whether he made it or not. He knew I'd be able to change the future again, because I would have help with or without him." 

He then gulped and covered his eyes with his arm, although it did nothing to hide the thick tears that spilled from them. 

"I just can't believe...that in that time...I was the reason Hina died. I killed her. Akkun and Chifuyu too..." he whimpered, his form shaking.

Misaki shook her head in disagreement. 

"You didn't kill her, Takemichi. You were tricked by him." She said softly, referring to Tetta. She didn't want to see him blame himself for something he had no control over. From what he had told her, he was in deep with Toman. Which meant he probably was assigned to get rid of people a multitude of times, people who stood in Toman's way. 

His tears slowed and he peaked over at her from below his arm.

"...Naoto said something similar to me." 

She nodded, a small smile forming on her face. 

"Sounds like a smart guy." 

Takemichi laughed softly, although it came out partly choked considering he had been crying. He dropped his arm from over his face and sighed, before staring at the ceiling.

"Naoto did say something interesting, though..."

Misaki's ears perked up and she tilted her head, sending him a curious look.


"He...he said that, despite my repeated time-leaping, Kisaki ends up killing Hina every time. Akkun too. Apart from that, he's always seeming to find himself drawn to you as well, like a moth to a flame. He doesn't think it's a coincidence...any of it."

He then averted his eyes towards her, a worrying look in them.

"He thinks he has some sort of obsession. He just doesn't know why."

She hummed in a agreement before she leaned back in her chair, arms crossed. She bit at her lip, wondering the best way to word what she was about to say to him, and clicked her tongue. 

"...when I saw him after the fight with Valhalla, I confronted him." She started lowly. "About Moebius, Draken, Valhalla, all of it. I told him I knew what he had done and what he was planning. I didn't tell him how, of course, but he made it seem like he knew I'd find out either way." 

Now and Then: A Second Chance (Various! Tokyo Revengers Characters X OC)Where stories live. Discover now