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Italic: Thoughts

Bold W/Underline: Narration/P.O.V

Italic Bold W/Underline: Location/Date/Time

Misaki's P.O.V:

"Yo, Hanagaki." Mucho lazily stated as he got out of the car. He stretched his neck a bit before averting his eyes to ruby ones. "Misaki. Wasn't expecting you here." 

She raised a brow at this. "Well, I wasn't expecting you here either. It's not often you are out in broad daylight. What do you need with Takemichi?" 

Misaki watched as Mucho's eyebrows twitched at her words, then, he awkwardly rubbed at the nape of his neck. "This is gonna change things." He muttered, eliciting a confused look from the dark-haired girl.

What does he mean by that?

Not a moment after, a large group of delinquents appeared, surrounding not only Misaki, Takemichi and Chifuyu, but also the remaining Mizo 5 members, who had come out to see what was happening.

"Huh?!" Takemichi gasped out in confusion, staring at the group of Toman members that had surrounded them. A dark-look crossed over Chifuyu's face, his eyes flickering towards Misaki's.

Nodding in understanding, she moved forward towards Mucho and Sanzu, who, at the same time, motioned for the surrounding Toman members to grab the the rest of her friends. She watched as they all struggled in the holds of the fifth division members, her heartbeat beginning to quicken.

"What's this all about? Is this sanctioned by Manjiro?" She questioned angrily, nostrils flaring as she looked between the captain and vice-captain. 

"Ah, well, that wouldn't be information I could give you, right?" Mucho asked, head tilted. She didn't miss the small smirk that appeared on his lips. Before she could respond, Sanzu stepped forward. 

"It would be in both your - and their - best interest to walk away." He stated, green eyes lazily staring down at her. 

That's when she noticed something else.

His eyes...they seem, concerned? 

Nonetheless, she furrowed her brows at his response. "I'm not going anywhere. Besides, I know these guys. I'm positive they have done nothing wrong to elicit any attention from the fifth division." 

Besides, if anyone, it should be me they are here for, not them.

Mucho quirked a brow at this, the small smirk disappearing off of his face.


Then, in three quick strides, he appeared in front of Takemichi. Before she or anyone else knew it, his fist had reared back and landed a devastating punch straight to Takemichi's face. She watched wide-eyed as his body flew to the ground with a THUD, before rolling a couple meters away. 

"Gahah...!" He gasped in pain, his breathing quickening. 

"Last I checked, it's my job to take care of traitors in Toman, not yours." Mucho than stated, before stalking his way towards Takemichi's nearly limp body. 

Misaki's head sharply turned in Sanzu's direction, who seemed to hold conflicted emotions within his emerald eyes. Then, with a glance towards Chifuyu, she turned and sprinted towards Mucho before he could deliver another punch Takemichi's way. 

Grabbing him by the back of his shirt (as he was much taller than Misaki), she jerked him back strongly, causing him to fly backwards to the ground. This gave her a moment to check-in on Takemichi.

Now and Then: A Second Chance (Various! Tokyo Revengers Characters X OC)Where stories live. Discover now