Four-Eyed Asshole

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A/N: Thank you so much to mqwwbn for all of your most recent votes on previous chapters! It made my weekend to see someone enjoyed my ramblings! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o For you, I give thee - 🧁

Misaki's P.O.V.

"Well, I guess I'll just go through the window like last time..." Misaki muttered to herself as she stood outside of Tetta's house. The window was open as usual so she took it as a sign that it was fine to come in that way. So, she scaled the tree that stood in front of his house as she did last time, and landed on the sill, only to look around and see that he wasn't in his room.

"Weird. His lights on though so he probably just went to grab something..." 

She jumped off the sill and landed softly onto his bedroom flooring, as she wasn't sure if his parents were home or not. 

Don't want to piss off those psychos.

She stood there silently for a moment, basically twiddling her thumbs, until a light-bulb popped over her head.

Should I take this chance to snoop around and see if I find anything sus? 

She squinted her eyes and placed her hand on her chin in thought.

...but what if he would expect something like that and has cameras or recorders just hanging around his room? Sounds like something Tetta would do...

She pondered over what to do for a moment before a sigh left her lips.

I probably shouldn't go through his stuff because he's meticulous, but maybe I can just...look around.

As nonchalantly as possible, she looked over to his desk, as there were many papers and books sitting out. She realized rather quickly that it was just straight up school work and she grumbled under her breath. 

Not surprising since he's a total nerd.

She then walked over to his wrinkle-free and neatly made bed, opting to sit on it. Just as she sat, she felt a small vibration coming out from under the covers. Eyeing the bedroom door and taking advantage of her strong sense of hearing, she figured it was safe to just take a look. She felt around on top of the covers until her hand hit something hard. Carefully, while keeping her eyes on the door, she pulled the phone out from under the blanket and flipped it open. Her eyes widened at what she saw, although she wasn't surprised.

One new message from: Hanma

She chewed on the inside of her cheek nervously, unsure if she should open the message. She knew if she did, she would most definitely want to go through the chat-log history, as well as take a look at his other contacts and she wasn't sure if she had time for that. Also, she figured he would know she looked at his phone if a new message from Hanma was opened, since she was the only one around. 

So, she opted to slip the phone back under his covers where she found it. Even if she didn't open the message to read its contents, it for sure proved something to her: Tetta was definitely in contact with Hanma. Takemichi had told her, of course. But, there was still a part of her that wanted to believe that Tetta had no hand in Draken as well as Baji's attempted murders. 

Immature and naive as hell, I know. Sue me for wanting to try to see the good in people.

Before she could think on it any further, the bedroom door suddenly opened, with Tetta's figure standing in the doorway. He wore a plain white t-shirt and black sweatpants. His hair was slightly damp and limp, which meant he likely showered just before she got here. 

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